chapter two

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Moon's pov

What am I doing kissing him. I try and pull away but he wont let me. He move's so I'm now pushed up againest the seat.

I can't move. I start to struggle and he move's back. " Come on Moon ". I shake my head. I then wonder if he will beat me for saying no.

" Moon will you tell me why you call me Sir ". I nod. " I was told to alway's call men Sir ". He shake's his head. I look down again.

" Moon from now on you call me Payton ". I don't know what to say or do, So I just sit there. The car stop's moving, then the door open's.

Payton get's out, He then offer's me his hand. I feel, I have to take it. So I do,  when I get out of the car. I see, I'm stood in front of a huge hotel.

He take's my hand and lead's me inside. He goes to the reception desk. The staff in the hotel bow to him. As we reach the desk, the lady behind the desk says.

" Mr Knight how nice to see you again ". He nod's and take's the key's. He then turn's and take's my hand. I follow a step behind him to the lift.

Once in the lift he turn's to me. " Why didn't you walk beside me ". I keep looking down. " I'm not allow to walk beside people ". I hear him growl.

I get on my knee's. " Please don't hit me ". I can feel tear's in my eye's. I feel a hand on my chin. I move with it as it move's upward's.

Payton's pov

Hell Curtis has done so many bad thing's to her she feel's she has to be punished from doing nothing wrong. I look at her and say. " Moon why would I punish you ".

" I have displeased you Sir ". I growl again and help her up. As the lift door's open I walk her to our penthouse suite. We will stay here at my penthouse tonight.

Tomorrow we move in to our new home. Well it's my mansion. But it will be her new home where she will be waited on hand and foot.

I open the penthouse suite door and pull her inside. She come's inside. She then Stand's by the door. I walk to the sofa. I sit down and try and calm down.

He has done a number on her and I'm not happy about it one bit. No one should treat a child like they have treated her. I turn my head and see her standing by the door with her head down.

" Moon come here please ". She walk's over to me. Her head is still down. " Sit down ". She does it. Hell the girl has no free mind she has to be told what to do. What have they done to you.

" Moon can you tell me what I look like ". She nod's. She has only look at me twice but very quickly. I wait for her to speak. " You have dark hair, carmel colour eye's, white skin and deep red lip's ".

She was right mmm good. " Well done anything else ". She shake's her head. " Sorry Sir ". I sigh. " Okay I want you to lift your head and look at me ". She gasp's and shake's her head.

" I'm not allowed Sir. I will get in trouble ". I shake my head and sigh. I lie my head back on the sofa. " Do you need anything Sir ". When I open my eye's. I see Moon beside me.

I pull her down. " Moon what I need you can't give me yet ".

Moon's pov

I think he want's some sort of sexual faver. I can do that, I think. I have never done anything like it before.

But I have seen it on film's and read about it in my book. So I can try right. I have to try and make him happy.

He has taken me away from the beating's and the pain. So far he hasn't hit me. Okay like in my book, I kneel down in front of him.

He has his eye's closed. I start to undo his pant's, When Payton grab's my hand's.

" Moon what are you doing ". I struggle in his grasp. " Giving you what you want Sir ". I wait for the hit. But it never come's.

" Moon I want you. Yes but when you come to me freely. With a mind of your own ". What does he mean.

I sit back on my heel's. I feel lost confused. " You want me to talk without being told to s.. . Payton ". He smile as I call him Payton.

 " Yes Moon, I want you to have a free will like most girl's your age ". I nod. " What about college ".

" You will be home schooled ". I nod. " Thank you ". I feel him release my wrist's. I look up and see him smiling.

I smile back. I then look down again and leave the room quickly. I find the bathroom, Once I'm inside it. I start to cry.

I feel free. But I wont let my guard down around him. You never know when he will change. I suddenly feel a pair of arm's hold me.

 I don't know why but the comfort is so nice I hold on to it, as I cry. I miss my Nana.

She was the only one who loved me. She died three year's ago.  Leaving me all alone, With no one to love me.

Payton's pov

I hear Moon crying in the bathroom. I pull the unlocked door open and find her curled up on the floor crying.

 The poor child has missed so much. I will give her all she has missed out on. I swear to the fate's, I will make her happy.

I can't be sure if she is my true mate. Only time will tell. Well when you have lived as long as me. You give up on finding what is not there.

 I have walked this earth for 800 year's without finding my mate. You sort of give up and get on with living.

I have a feeling she is the one. But I will know more over the next year. She is to tightly bound by her Father.

 Once she relax's and open's herself up. I will feel the pull if it is there. I lift her in to my arm's and carry her to the bedroom. I lie her on the bed.

I go to walk away. But she hold's on to me. " Stay please ". I can't say no as the need's me to hold her and be close. I climb on the bed beside her and hold her until I feel her fall asleep.

Damn her Father he has so much to answer for and he will.

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