chapter fifteen

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Moon's pov

" Payton what do you want to know ". I know it's time to tell him at least some of the thing's that has happened to me.

" Are you sure you want to tell me Moon ". I nod. " It's time you knew some of what has happened to me ". He nod's.

 " Well shall we move to the lounge and get more comfortable ". I nod and stand, so does Payton he then take's my hand and lead's me in to the lounge. I have never been in here before.

We sit on the sofa together and I curl up and face him. " Okay I was 5 when I started cleaning and doing the dishes ".

 I stop to breathe. " I was doing this every day after school. I thought, I was helpping Mum. Until one night I dropped a plate, Mum hit me across the face hard and then locked me in the basement ".

I wipe a tear. " Moon you can stop when ever you want ". I nod. " I know, Marley came down to see if I was alright. I cried on his shoulder ".

 Payton kisses my hand. " This went on for year's night after night, I would get hit and slapped for no reason ". He look's in to my eye's. " When I turned ten, I was told, I had cook as well as clean ".

I wipe more tear's but, as I wipe them more come. I can still feel all the hit's and punches they gave me.

" My Nana told my parent's that I had to stay with her for a while ". I sob, as I think of my Nana she was great.

" So I went to stay with her for a couple of week's Marley came to see me to make sure, I was alright ".

He was alway's looking after me. " After two week's my Mother came and dragged me back home. Once I was back home.

 My parent beat me ". I wipe away more tear's. I have never thought of this before, I tried to block the memory from my mind.

" They beat me so hard they broken two of my finger's and I had a broken leg ".

They kept me off school but I still had to clean and cook for them or, I would get beat again ". I hate how they have treated me.

" Can I stop please ". Payton nod's. " Yes Moon, I think that is enough for now ". I nod, I suddenly feel cold and alone.

Like I don't belong here or with my parent's. I get the feeling back, that I wished, I was dead.

I curl up and, I feel like, I'm back in that basement alone. I feel trapped and scared. I feel someone touch me and, I jump and fall to my knee.

 I keep my head down and wait for the hit that alway's come's. I then feel a hand on my face but it's gentle.

 " Moon your safe, your free from harm ". I dare not more in case my Father is playing a trick on me.

Payton's pov

Moon has gone in to her past a little. I hate her parent's for what they have done to her. She has some how gone in to herself and lost track of where she is and what she has become.

 " Moon your safe ". She is on her Knee's, head down looking at the floor. I touch her cheek but she still won't look up. " Moon no one will harm you ". She still won't move.

I'm gonna try one more time. " Moon, it's Payton ". She lift's her head a little and I smile at her. She throw's herself in to my arm's and cries.

 " You won't hurt me ". I kiss her. " You know, I would never hurt you Moon ". I hold her close as she sob's her so called parent's will pay for what they have done to her.

 I lift Moon off the floor and sit her on my lap and hold her.

" Moon they will never touch you again ". She nod's her head againest my shoulder. I can feel her silent sobbing, I rock her back and forth like you would a baby.

Well I did raise my niece. There is suddenly a knock on the front door and Moon jump's. She really has gone back in to herself.

I will get her back out of it. I put her on the sofa with a blanket.

I then go to the door in no mood to be disturb. I open the door and I come face to face with Curtis the last person, I want to see.

 I knew he would come but not now. " What do you want Curtis ". I feel like ripping his head from his shoulder's.

 " I need to make sure Moon is alive ". I shake my head. " Why now, you wanted her dead before ". He look's scared.

" My dead son Marley is a vampire he want's to know she is alive ". I smile. " Well Moon is asleep on the sofa at the moment as I have been feeding from her ".

He look's even more scared now. " You are draining her ". I nod and then Moon walk's through a little wobbley, I smile.

 " Moon come her my love ". She come's to me. " Now you have seen her go ".

I shut the door in his face and take my girl up to bed. " Come on Moon time for bed ". She nod's and goes to get in to bed.

" Moon undress hunny ". She nod's again. " She is to submissive. " Moon look at me ". She does. " Yes Sir ". I snap.

" Moon enough stop it, snap out of it now ". She blink's serveral time's. " Payton I'm sorry, I think, I got lost in my own memory ".

I nod and hold her as she cries. " Your safe, I love you and no one will every hurt you again ". She nod's and hold's me to her tightly.

I help her undress. I then lift her in to bed.  " Get some sleep hunny ". I go to walk away when she grab's my hand.

 " Don't leave me please ". I'm now torn between staying with Moon and going with Marley again for the third night.

" Okay hunny i'll be back, I just need to see Marley okay ". She nod's and I leave the room the room. I then mist to Amore and Marley's house.

 " Payton what's wrong ". I see Marley. " Moon told me some of what happened to her and she is very upset. I can't leave her Marley ".

He nod's. " I understand, is she alright ". I look away. " She lost herself in her memories and she has come back very scared ".

He nod's. " Also your Father has been here. Luckly Moon was out off it when she came to me. So he think's I have drained her ".

 He laugh's and nod's. " Right so more scare's ". I nod and leave to get back to Moon. I mist back to outside the bedroom door.

I open the door and see Moon is gone. I pannick, where would she go and hide now. " Moon where are you ". I then hear. " Payton in shower ".

I breathe a sigh of relief. I walk in to the bathroom and there she is in the shower. " You scared me ". She goes to hug me but, stop's.

 " Your dressed ". I smile and remove my clothes. I then get in the shower with Moon. She then hug's me.

" Sorry for what happened ". I shake my head. " Don't be it was hard and upsetting for you ". She kisses me on the lip's.

" I love you Payton ". I smile. " I love you Moon ".

She hug's me again and I decide now is the time to ask her.  We get out of the shower. When Moon ask's me.

 " Payton, why did you call James pesky ".  I laugh. " He come's here and play's trick's on me. Especially on all hallow's eve ".

She look's at me. " Sorry I keep doing this, all hallow's eve is halloween ". She nod. " It's okay ". We kiss and I lift her in my arm's and carry her to bed. I sit her on the edge of the bed.

I get on one knee. " Moon Diamond I will alway's love you. Will you marry me ". She gasp's and put's her hand over her mouth.

hope you enjoy, love you all, vote and comment XD

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