chapter thirty three

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Payton's pov

" Marley help me ". He come's and help's me up. We then make our way to the room in which, I can see Moon lying still. No she can't be dead.

I feel like my heart has been ripped out, as I see my wife lying motionless on the table. " Do something bring her back you can't leave it like this ".

" Payton you should be resting and we are doing all we can ". I look at Marley and he help's me back to my room. I lie down and look at the window waiting for news.

Marley's pov

I leave Payton and go back to the room Moon is in. I watch as the Doctor's work on my sister, I feel my heart sinking lower and lower, as I look at her.

A nurse come's out and I ask her if she know's how this happened. " Yes she overdosed on a lot of tablet's that was in the room ". I nod and sit on the sit.

She made herself believe that she had killed Payton that she has taken her own life. I hope the baby will be okay, I watch as the Doctor's remove something from my sister.

Then the nurse wheel's a little incubator out of the room with a small baby inside. " Your nephew, he is fine but need's a little help to breathe ". I nod.

I then walk down with her to show Payton his son. " Payton ". I say as we walk in the door. He turn's and look's at us. " Your son ". He look's at his son and smile's.

" How is Moon ". I shake my head. " I don't know yet ". I leave Payton and the nurse and there new baby to see if I can find out what is happening with Moon.

" Doc any news yet ". He shake's his head. I go back to sitting on the chair Amore wake's up now. "Marley, Uncle Payton is he ". I shake my head. " No he's awake ". She smile's.

" Good Moon must be happy ". I start to cry, I can't help it. " Marley where is Mo.. ". She stop's as she turn's her head and see's the Doctor's working on Moon.

" No Marley No ". She brake's down crying they have become so close . I do my best to comfort Amore. " Go see Payton he need's you ". She nod's and goes to Payton's room.

Amore's pov

I have just woke up to find my best friend dead, how the hell can this happen my Uncle is alive but, I lose my best friend. This is so messed up.

I go to Uncle Payton and hug him. " Shhh Amore, Moon will be fine ". I hope he is right, I would hate to think how James will take the news. He look's to Moon as his Mum.

" Payton school will be over soon ". He nod's and ask's me to get James. I leave the hospital and go to his house, I see Mister Tash and tell him what has happened.

" Break it to James gentle he love's her so much ". I nod and walk in to the house. I see James he has a big smile on his face until he reliase's I'm not Moon.

" Hi Amore where's Mum ". I hold back the tear's the best, I can as what, I'm about to tell him will break his heart. I open my mouth to tell him but, I cant.

" Come on James Dad is in hospital and Mum is there to ". He nod's and get's up and we walk to the hospital together. I get a sinking feeling as we get closer to the hospital.

We enter and I take James straight to Payton. As we go inside I look at Payton and shake my head, so he know's I haven't told James about Moon.

He nod's and I leave them alone to talk while, I go to find Marley to see if there is any news.

Payton's pov

Hell this is hard, how to tell my son the woman he love's and call's Mum is dead and they might not be able to save her. I will hold of for now just in case they can.

" Dad where is Mum ". Umm think Payton. " Busy son she will be here any minute ". Hell I hope I'm right that they can save her. I see a nurse and she shake's her head.

She has been gone ten minute's. Please god or fate's bring my wife back to me. I don't know what elase to do, James is getting worried about Moon I can sense it.

" Dad where is Mum, why is she not here yet ". What can I tell my son, just as I'm about to tell James that Moon is dead. " Payton it's all good ". I look at Marley.

" Yes ". He nod's. " Mum has had your baby brother James ". James look's at Marley. " Really Marley Mum has had a baby boy, can I see her ".

I look at Marley. " Shortly James ". I watch Marley leave and few minute's later they wheel in my new son. James goes to the cot and look's at his new brother.

A few minute's after this Moon is wheeled in, in a wheelchair. She mouth's sorry to me. I smile. " Mum you had my brother ". She look's at me and Amore whisper's in her ear and tell's her what we told James.

" Yes son I did ". He grin's and hug's Moon and she hug's him back. She then get's up and come's to me and we hug and I hold her, Hell I thought, I had lost her forever. Thank you god or fate's.

Hope you enjoy, love you all, vote please XD

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