chapter nine

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Moon's pov

I think Payton told me he loved me last night. I wish, I could say it, I do have feeling's for him. I just don't understand them yet.

 I want to be with him all the time. I like him. I'm sure he will give me more time.

The same as yesterday I'm awake before Payton. I lie on my side drawing pattern's on his chest and abs with my finger's.

 He move's and wriggle's. I wander if he is ticklish. I decide to see, I run my finger's down his side's and over his abs.

Nothing mmm, I know, I go back to drawing on his abs he moan's and move's again. I then start to trace the outline of his eight pack.

 You know following the groove left by the bump's of his abs. He move's again. As I'm doing this my hand move's lower.

I feel something long and hard. I realise what, I'm touching when Payton jump's. I move my hand back to his abs.

 " Morning Moon ". I smile at him " Morning Payton ". He smile's, I know he can't read mind's but, I still blush. " Moon what's wrong ". I shake my head.

I can't tell him, I touched his well you know. " Moon are you alright ". I nod. " Yes I'm fine. Payton do you have feeling's ".

 That came out wrong he look's a little hurt of course they have feeling's idoit. That's my little voice. " Payton I'm sorry that came out wrong ". He shrug's.

I feel bad now. " What I ment was can feel when I do this ". I draw on his chest. " Yes Moon, I can feel that and yes we do have feeling's and a soul ".

I smile and sit on him. I draw pattern's on his skin. " Are you tickish Payton ". He shake's his head. " I will find out ".

I go under the cover and tickle his feet he wriggle's and laugh's. He then pull's me up. " Yes okay you have proved I'm ticklish ".

 I kiss him. I don't know why, I just feel the need to kiss him. He hold's me close. I feel a warm feeling in me grow. I don't want to be away from Payton.

Payton's pov

Moon has tickled my feet. I laugh and pull her up. She is now kissing me, I hold her close. I can still  feel the need that drove us both last night and, I can still taste her blood.

I must stop thinking about that. I touch her neck where I bit her last night. She put's her hand over mine.

" Payton I wanted you to ". I nod, I'm so racked with guilt for taking her blood. She touches my cheek. " Payton please ". I look at her.

 " What ". She sigh's. " I know you feel guilty but don't ". I nod. I hear a knock on the front door. " Moon I need to get up ". She nod's and move's off of me.

I dress and go downstair's, I open the front door to see Moon parent's. " What do you want here Curtis ".

He look's at Marie and then says. " We want the bitch back, she can't be any good to you ". I want to kill them but, I wont yet. " Well you can't have her ". He look's at me and then says.

" Have you killed her already ". I growl then Moon appear's at the top of the stair's in my shirt. She look's scared.

 Curtis then shout's at her. " Get here now ". She come's down with her head bowed she walk to stand in front of him. " What do you look like, A slut that's what ". I can feel my tamper flaring .

He then grab's Moon and he hit's her hard across the face. Moon fall's back and I can now smell her blood.

She keep's her head down. " I'm sorry Sir ". That's it. I move in front of her. " Get away from here now or I will ... ... ".  I growl instead of saying kill you. Curtis look's at me and says.

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