chapter thirteen

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Moon's pov

" Ah ah I'm close Payton ". He kisses my neck. " Let go hunny ". I do and then, I feel Payton come. I hold him to me so he roll us so he wont hurt me with his weight.

 I move so I can lie on his chest. I close my eye's and hold him close. I never want to lose him.

I wake up in the morning feeling a little sore all over. " Owww, owwww ". God it hurt's to move. " Moon be careful you fell down the stair's yesterday ".

I look at Payton. " I hurt you too yesterday, I'm sorry ". He shake's his head. " Forget it, I have ". I know he is lying. " Vampire's never forget, so stop lying to me Payton ".

" Moon it's in the past ". I shake my head and go to get up and I feel dizzy. I sit down again. " What are you doing ".

I need to get ready for school, I'm sure Mr Tash has a list of thing's I need to learn. " I need to get ready, Mr Tash will be here soon ".

 He shake's his head and put's me back in bed. " I will be teaching you for a few day's ".

" Payton you have your own work to do ". He sigh's. " Stop fighting me ". I sigh and he passes me my book's. 

" Okay I need a shower why, I'm in the shower look up your first item on the list I gave you yesterday okay ".

 I nod and turn to my book's. Misting or vaporizing: Give's the vampire access to place's considered secure or hard to reach.

Payton come's back in. " So what does the book tell you miss ". I smile and tell him what the book says.

 " Mmm nothing else ". I shake my head. " Okay let's talk about how misting work's shall we ". I nod. " Okay if I was to mist, all you would see is thin air. I have colour. I just disappear and reappear somewhere else ". I nod.

 " It says it give's you access to place's considered secure or hard to reach ". He nod's. " It's true it does. Let's say you lock the bathroom door and you think you safe well your not. I can get in ".

 I smile and get up out of bed and go in to the bathroom and lock the door. I also put a towel along the bottom of the door, Just in case. " Okay Payton try now ".

Payton's pov

I laugh Moon has locked herself in the bathroom. I mist and slip in through the window, as I guessed she will put a towel along the bottom of the door, not that would stop me.

 I have a feeling she will be watching the door. I grab her from behind. "Ahhh ". I laugh. " I got you ". She laugh's. " How did you do that ". I smile. " I misted through the window ".

" No fair ". I laugh and mist us both back to the bedroom. I then go and  back and unlock the door and walk back through.

" Alright miss, what's next ". She yawn's. " I smile. " You need sleep ". She shake's her head. " Moon, Amore will be here soon with some food ".

 She pout's. " I'm not hungry ". I shake my head. " I will make you a deal okay ". She nod's.

" You asked me a few night ago if you could taste my blood ". She nod's. " I will let you if you can eat at least three meal's today. Alright as my blood is sweet it will make you sick if you don't eat okay ".

She pout's again. " Deal Moon ". She nod's. " Not fair but yes okay deal ". I kiss her and let her sleep. I go down to the office to go through some paper's.

I hear Marley coming. " Come in Marley ". He come's in all smile's. " How did last night go ". He laugh's and then he tell's me how he scared his father in to believing he had come back from the grave.

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