chapter thirty two

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Payton's pov

I find the perfect time to strike, as I do, I sink my fang's in to his neck and draw his blood out.

I feel better now. I mist back to the entrance of my home, I see Dark. " Thank you Dark ". He nod's and then leave's.

 I go inside and head to the office. I sit at the desk and look ou the window wondering what the hell, I am doing.

 " Payton why aren't you coming to bed ". I look at Moon.

" I'm coming now ". She smile's and I get up and we walk upstair's together.

I wake in the morning with a really bad pain in my chest. I look down to see the hole in my chest hasn't completely closed and the pain is getting worse.

I try to get up and end up on the floor coughing up blood. " Payton ". I look away so Moon wont see.

" I'm getting the Doctor ". With that she is gone, I get on the bed and hold my stomach and chest. I hear the front door open and close.

" Payton what is happening ". I open my eye's and see the Doctor. " I stalked myself in the chest ". He shake's his head and then says.

 " Moon tell's me a different story but still let me see ". I pull the cover's back and show him my chest.

The hole has closed but the pain is there. " I need to get you to the hospital and check you heart, I think you may have punched it ".

I nod and try to stand but, I can't.

He call's for some help and I'm taken to the hospital. I am then Xrayed to see that, yes I have a small hole in my heart.

" I need to open you up, so I can fix this ". I nod nd then say. " I need to see Moon first ". He nod's and then leave's the room.

I lie and wait for my wife to come and see me. I'm such a fool for thinking, I was helpping Moon by giving her what she want's.

" Your a fool Payton, I could lose you ".

" No it can be fixed ". She is in tear's, I never ment this to happen. " Moon it will be fine don't worry so much ".

She leave's as the Doctor come's back in. " It's time Payton ". I nod and look at Moon if this goes wrong this might be the last I will see her.

She is crying as I'm wheeled away from her. I will live to be with her.

Moon's pov

I'm woke up when, I hear Payton moaning in pain. I find him on the floor, I leave to fine the Doctor.

I tell the Doctor what happened last night, I then sort James out for the day ahead.

The Doctor come's and tell's me that they are taking him to the hospital as he has a hole in his heart.

I wait for Mister Tash to come and then I leave for the hospital once, I have Marley and Amore with me.

As we enter the hospital the Doctor says that Payton has got a hole in his heart and they will have to open him up and repair the hole.

 I cry on Amore's shoulder, I could have killed my husband. The Doctor say that he want's to see me, I walk to his room and see him lying on the bed.

 " Your a fool Payton, I could lose you ". He shake's his head. " They can fix this ". He doesn't look so sure. I just hope he is right.

I leave his room and then watch as they wheel him away from me. I hold Amore and sob.

" What if he dies how will, I tell James and our new baby ". Marley shhh me.

" Payton is a fighter he will live ". I sob, as I think of my life before Payton made it better.

I can't lose him, I love him so much. I am place in a side room on a bed while we wait for news of Payton.

Marley's pov

Moon is in a right state at the thought of killing Payton but, what I understand from the Doctor Payton pushed the stake in his own chest.

We have to wait to find out if Payton will come through the operation. Moon has been put in a side room so she can rest.

I go in to see her and find her asleep. I leave again and go to Amore. " How is Moon ". I smile at my wife. " Sleeping, its most likely for the best.

She nod's and lie's her head on my shoulder. I watch as she fall's asleep to. Three hour's later the Doctor come's out of the operating room.

I move slowly away from Amore. " Well how is he ". The Doctor smile's. " He is in recovery he will live ". I smile and thank him. I then go to Amore.

" Amore babe ". She open's her eye's. " Uncle Payton ". I smile. " He will live Amore ". She hug's me and smile's. I watch as the Doctor goes in to tell Moon.

He come's out and ask's the nurse for a crash trolley. " Moon no Moon ". He wont let me in. " No Marley stay out here ". I go to Amore, she hold's me.

We then both to see Payton as he is asking for Moon. " Marley, Amore where is Moon ". I try and hold back the tear's but, I cant they fall fast.
" She is dead ".

Payton's pov

No she can't be he is lying. I try and get up but, I can't. I call for a nurse and she come's in. " Please try to stay calm Payton ". I growl and say. " Where is my wife ".

She look's at Marley then me. " The Doctor is with her now ". No,no this can't be happening. My wife, my love is dead.

" I need to be with her let me up now ". The nurse shake's her head. " Just rest the Doctor will be here in a moment ". With that she leave's.

" Marley help me ". He come's and help's me up. We then make our way to the room in which, I can see Moon lying still. No she can't be dead.

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