chapter thirty eight

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Payton's pov

He sigh's again. " I'm sorry Payton, I didn't mean for that to happen ". I  nod and say. " I know Marley. We need to help her understand it wasn't her fault ".

My plan if you would like to know is for me to be stabbed in the stomach, it will be a fake fight between me and Marley and he will stab me with a silver knife.

I have given him the knife to use, it has been in my family for hundred's of year's. I know it sound's mad what, I am doing but, I feel it's for the best. She will see accident's happen.

" Payton are you sure about this ". I nod. " Yes she need's to see ". He nod's his head unhappily know this is not only going to make me bleed it is going to burn and hurt.

When Silver cut's in to our skin it burn's us as well as bleed's us. I will need to go in to a coma type sleep to heal after this but it is the only way for Moon to understand the pain she is giving me.

" Okay Payton I will at your's in an hour ". I nod and leave, I go back to Moon to see if she and James have made up yet. I enter the house and all is quiet.

I go up the stairs to the bedroom and see Moon in bed with Jr and James. He is talking with Moon while Jr sleep's between them. " Hello Dad ". I smile at James.

" Hello son, have you made up with Mum now ". He nod's and Moon smile's. " Yes we are friend's again ". I smile and then go and sit on the bed. We sit and talk about Jr when Marley come's in the door looking mad.

" What the hell are you doing Payton, you are suppose to look after my sister and I find out she fell down the stair's what the hell ". I get up and walk to Marley to start our fake fight.

" Marley it was an accident ". He shake his head and hit's me, I hit back and Moon says. " Stop fighting both of you ". I don't see her until it's to late.

Marley pull's the blade out and move's forward. I then hear a scream, I can also smell Moon's blood. I look down and see Moon looking a deep wound in her stomach.

" Payton ". Her eye's roll and then close as she drop's to the floor. I tell Marley to call the hospital and tell them we are on our way. I then pick Moon up and run to the hospital with her.

Marley stay's to look after Jr and James. I get Moon to the hospital and the Doctor tell me that its touch and go. I sit and wait why the work on Moon.

" Payton she will be fine ". I smile and phone Marley.

Marley's pov

I knew this stupid knife idea was a bad one, I have stabbed my sister by accident and now she is in the hospital again but this time it's my fault.

I pick up Jr and then me and James run down to the hospital to see Moon. Once we arrive Payton tell me Moon is in recovery.

I take Jr to my house with James as they will be staying with me and Amore until Moon is release from the hospital.

I return to the hosptial to give Payton back his knife, as I enter the room. I see Moon is awake and looking tired. " I'm so sorry sis. I never ment to hurt you ". She smile's and says. " It's okay I'm gonna be fine ".

I still feel bad for what, I did to her but she seem's to think it is okay. My sis hasn't got a bad bone in her body. Which is a shame as she need's to start fighting back at the world.

I look at Payton and he get the hint, I need to see him alone so he follow's me out to the hallway where I hand him back his knife. " I'm sorry it ended this way Payton ". He shake's his head.

" It was my fault, I should have know Moon would protect me ". I nod and leave the hospital. I decide to take a walk before going home to tell Amore that Moon is fine.

As I walk, I find myself down by the lake. I look in to the water and see my own face staring back at me. My eye's are black as midnight and they seem souless.

I hate the look in my eye's. I close my eye's and think of all the bad thing's, I have done to Moon by not helpping her  when our parent's were beating her.

I open my eye's and see the same thing a souless monster. I wonder how Moon see's me if she think's of me as the same thing. I wouldnt blame after, I stabbed her.

I head home with a heavy feeling in my body. As I open the door, I am greeted by. " Uncle Marley is Mum alright ". I nod my head and add a fake smile. " Yes James she is fine ".

I go to Amore in the kitchen and tell her about Payton's plan and how it back fired and Moon got stabbed, that is why she is in hospital.

Amore hit's me and then leave's the house, leaving me with the kid's.

Hope you enjoy, love ya all, vote Please XD

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