chapter twenty eight

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Payton's pov

I will kill the son of a bitch for killing my friend and for threating Moon. He will not get away with this Moon must be watched at all time.

 " Dark no one is to leave or enter without my say, I mean that for Moon to ". He nod's. " Yes my Lord, shall I send the dealer's to watch my Lady ". I nod.

 " Yes good idea tell them to stay in the shadow's at all time's ". He bow's and leave's me. I go to Marley and talk to him show him the note.

 We form a new plan to bring there Father down. His rein of terror is about to end for good.

I leave Marley's and Amore's I'm heading home to Moon when Dark appear's from the shadow's. " My Lord the Deathdealer's are wondering what we should do ".

I sigh, this has had made thing's harder. " Tell them all to allow no one on to the compound and no one leave's until the danger has passed and that does mean my Lady ". He nod's and leave's me.

 I return to the house to find Moon in the kitchen. She doesn't look happy with something. " Hello beautiful ". She look's at me with anger in her eye's.

" Payton why are the dealer's following me ". Shit I thought she wouldn't notice them in the shadow's.

 " There is a small problem, you need to be protected ". She look's annoyed but she agree's to the protection.

I need to work fast and sort this problem. We need to take Curtis out of the picture for good. I know Marley will help me but, I think we will need the dealer's too.

This is going to be more than a two man job. I want him to suffer at my hand's before he die's. He want's to torture Moon and bleed her to death.

" Payton what are you thinking ". I look at my pregnant wife. " Nothing darling what are you doing at school today ". She look's to the door.

 " Not much as it's saturday, I'm helpping James with his work ". I nod and kiss her on the head. " How's the bump ".

 Yes she has a small bump there now. " Good he is starting to move. Want to feel ". I smile as she call's the baby him.

We still don't know what she is having but I think she is hoping to have a boy. I don't mind what we have as long as the baby is heathly.

I place my hand on her bump and feel our child kick and move. I smile at Moon as she has a great big smile on her face.

 I hear James coming down the stair's laughing. " Morning Dad, Hello Mum ". I watch as him and Moon hug.

" Morning James how is school going ". He look's to the floor. " It's okay Dad ". I look at Moon and she mouth's the word's.

" Falling behind ". I nod. " So Moon is helping you study ". He look's up now and nod's. " Yes Dad. Mum is helping me study ". I nod and kiss Moon before leaving them to study.

Moon's pov

I got up and took a walk down to the lake, as I am down by the lake. I see some of the dealer's moving through the shadow's.

 I'm not happy about being followed, I will be having word's with him when, I see him. I go back to the house and through the back door to the kitchen.

I make myself some toast and, tea while I wait for both Payton and James to come back. Well James is in bed, Payton is out.

 I hear a noise and then I see Payton coming in to the kitchen, I hear the door. He smile's at me as he come's in. I fold my arm's and look at him.

" Okay what have I done ". I'm not happy. " Why are dealer's following me ". He then tell's me we under a bit of danger so he is taking extra protection.

I agree to being followed, for one reason only. It's because of our unborn child. He smile's and we kiss.

 I then see James in the doorway he says hello to Payton and we hug and kiss. " Are you ready to study ". He nod's and Payton leave's.

 " Okay where are we ". He open's his book to where he is. Speed and strength. Okay he is way behind me. " Mum we need to work ". I nod and look back at him.

I was looking out the window, I'm sure, I saw something move across the window. " Yes sorry James ".

We get our head's together and I help him understand the difference's between me and him. We then go on to vampire gift's and why some vampire's have them and other's don't when suddenly the door burst's open and Payton and  the dealer's come in and move me and James to the bedroom.

 I'm shaking badly, I don't know what the hell is going on. James look's at me. " Mum what's going on ". I shake my head and hold him close to me.

" I don't know son but, I'm sure Dad will be here soon to tell us ". He nod's and lie's his head on my lap and I hold him tight. Payton then come's in.

" Sorry are you two alright ". I nod and, I can still feel myself shaking. " What is going on ". He look's to the window.

 " The threat I told you about is on the compound ". I'm scared. " How did they get pasted the dealers ". He shug's.

" I don't know but please stay here for now ". I nod and he leave's again. " Mum do they want you ". I look at James. " I don't know James but I think so ". He look's worried.

" Don't worry I'm not leaving you ". He suddenly laugh's. " James ". He look's at me. " The baby kicked me ". I smile, Jr is kicking James.

 " He like's me Mum ". I stroke his head. " Yes he does son ". I might be seventeen but, I love James as if he is my own.

Payton come's back and the danger has passed but we are now on high alert. I can't leave the house without an escort in case they try again. I am now scared.

Hope you enjoy, love you all, vote and comment please XD

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