chapter five

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Payton's pov

" What does it tell you about Vampire's. " It says there skin is white and icy cold, there eye's change colour and they  normally have big muscle's and flat strong abs ".

I smile at her and she smile's back. " So you like this story? Why ". She laugh's a little. " I hope my Vampire prince will save me ".

I smile. " Moon ". She look's at me. " I'm a Vampire ". She gasp's .

" What you can't be they don't exsist ". I will prove it to her. " I close my eye's and think about blood, I won't go in to detail about what I'm thinking.

It's a enough, I feel my fang's drop down. I open my eye's and smile at her she can see my fang's. She back's away from me. Most likely from the shock.

But one thing you never do, is back away from a vampire. It is in our nature to hunt and follow our prey. " Moon just stay still for hell sake ".

She stop's moving and look's at me with fear in her eye's. " How can you be real ". I wish. I knew the answer to that but, I don't I was born a vampire 800 year's ago.

" All I can tell you is, I'm real and I was born what you see in front of you. Please don't run ". She look's scared. Not the effect I was after but still.

" Why.. Should.. III. Not...Mmmoovvee ". I sigh. " Because the worse thing you can do is run from a vampire. We will alway's chase after you. It in our nature ".

 She stop's backing away and come's closer. Not the best idea but, what can I do. " Can you tell me more Payton ". She want's to know more.

Okay I will admit that one has thrown me. " What do you want to know ". She smile's. It's a genunie smile. Mmm interesting, I have found something that spark's her interest.

Just it had to be my bloody kind. " Do you have speed and strength ". I smile easy question's. " Yes were fast, our strength depend's on age. We get strong as we get older ".

 She smile's and edge's closer still. " Do you have personal gift's s.., Payton ". She near called me Sir again. She will have to try and stop.

Tomorrow I'm taking her to my coven. " Yes Moon I do have gift's, I'm also a grand master of a coven of vampire's. You will be coming to live with us tomorrow ".

She move's on to my lap. " Is it true you kill human's ". I shake my head. " We never take more than we need ". She pull's my arm's around her. I have to admit this feel's strange.

" Your eye's go black, Armand's go red when he is hungry ". I laugh. " Moon that is a book, in real life, Were not at war with the lycan's or Dracion's we live in peace.

We drink only what we need to live. Our eye's are not black unless we are hungry ". She seem's to be thinking. " Do you read mind's ". I shake my head. " No I don't ".

She nod's and lie's her head on my bare chest. Mmm this feel's nice. I tighten my arm's around her a little. " Payton will you tell me your gift's please ".

 I'm not sure she is ready to get in to the dark force that revolve's around my life but, I suppose she is part of that now. She is to be my wife in a year's time.

" Okay Moon, but please understand I can't help what I am ". She nod's " You don't scare me Payton, the worst you could do is kill me. And I have lived through much worse ".

She bow's her head. " Sorry I shouldn't have said that. Do you want to punish me ". I shake my head. " Why are you so nice to me ".

" Moon you have been through so much. I agreed to marry you to save you ". She seem's shocked. " You don't want to feed from me ". I shake my head and then sigh.

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