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all I'm gonna say is fuck 5sos (except for michael).

they have now proven that they're sexist and misogynistic assholes who think that it's okay to objectify women and treat their fans like shit even though the reason why they're famous is because of their fans.

and the interview was not fake. if it was, they could sue rolling stone magazine and i don't think rolling stone magazine would take that chance.

5sos knew what they were saying and they could've shut up and said nothing or changed the topic, but they decided not to.

it's obvious that they would have sex with a lot of women because they're young celebrities. but, the way they talked about women and their fans as if we're just toys that are only created for their sexual desires, is just disgusting and horrible.

at least now people will finally see their true colors and how they really are. I'm not that surprised about luke, since he's been acting more and more of an asshole, but i expected more from calum.

i always knew that trashton was a dick and the fact that he says that he's not in a "real band" because the majority of the fandom are females is just ridiculous.

just because you have more females in your fanbase, it doesn't make you less masculine.

I'm waiting for an apology but i don't think they'll apologize since trashton still hasn't apologized for defending his sister when she said the n word, wanting to appropriate black culture, and disrespecting the lgbt+ community.

after this, 5sos is going to flop. and if you are still defending them, i don't understand what the fuck is wrong with you.

this is not a mistake and don't you dare use the whole "boys will be boys" bullshit. they shouldn't have said shit. they should've talked about their music and sgfg instead of all that disgusting bullshit they said.

they know better than to say those things. they're adults, not teenagers. the fact that people are still defending them is sad.

stop trying to defend their words. nia was right when she said that if the members of 5sos were black, most of you would be criminalizing them instead of supporting them.

get your head out of your ass and stop being so foolish.

if I was michael, i would've left 5sos by now. i hope he does next year because i wouldn't want to be around sexist, misogynistic, privileged and racist assholes.

I'm also going to stop writing 5sos fanfiction because I'm not apart of this fandom anymore.

anyways, i hope everyone is having a good day/night.

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