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it is really upsetting to find a poc who believes in reverse racism, thinks that people make a "big deal" and get "overly offended" over cultural appropriation, is basically whitewashed, doesn't acknowledge the fact that black people have been oppressed for the past 400 hours, thinks that it's "okay" to say the n word with your close friends (even if you aren't black) and to say it in private because if you say it in public, people get "uncomfortable" and "defensive."

lol you're honestly so pathetic and just disgusting. the fact that you used to say the n word and once people started calling your ass out, you deleted all the parts where you said it. yet, you're gonna make a rant about how bad it is and say that people should "use it private" ????? 

where is your logic ???

i just cringe because you would expect a poc to understand the struggle and to be aware. you would expect her to understand how annoying it is to see someone who makes fun of you for embracing your culture, go ahead and steal it.

but, whatever. 

let me go back to sipping my tea. 

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