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(i'm sort of late, but i really need to get my thoughts out)

words cannot express how i feel about what happened.

if you don't know, a gunman walked into a club ( that's for members of the lgbt+ community), called Pulse, in Orlando. he opened gunfire and killed about 50 people and injured 53 others.

just a day before, Christina Grimmie, a singer, was murdered by a gunman during her meet and greet. and guess where?? in orlando.

what pisses me off is how republicans, such as, donald trump and marco rubio are talking about how disastrous the shooting in pulse was and that we should've prevented that. 

yet, they're the ones who don't want stricter gun laws because "it's our right." and they're also against gay marriage and say that gay marriage ruins traditional marriage. 

so, please don't come and talk about how horrible this is because you're basically the cause of it. if there had been stricter gun laws, these two situations wouldn't have occurred. 

the pulse shooting was also the worst mass shooting in american history. 

did you hear that?? 


how many more people are going to die until our government understands our need for stricter gun laws?? how many more people are going to die because you don't want to loss your precious guns??

and stop saying: guns don't kill people — people kill people. 

guns were made to kill. guns are constructed to kill. why do you want to keep guns?? to protect yourself. and how will you protect yourself?? by killing/injuring the attacker(s). they are weapons and what do weapons do?? weapons kill. 

and if people kill people, does that mean that we should make humans illegal?? where is your logic??

we have had 133 mass shootings and we're only 164 days into 2016. what does that say about our country?? what does that say about our beliefs?? it's obvious that our country cares more about guns than the lives of their citizens.

a second thing that's pissed me off is how the media continues to call this a terrorist attack and refuses to call it a hate crime. they continue to say that the gunman was an isis sympathizer, or using his religion as a reason to why he committed that mass shooting, instead of focusing on the fact that he was homophobic.

now, donald trump is once again, using muslims as scapegoats. muslims are not the cause of this. don't blame an ENTIRE group of people for what ONE person did. 

muslims are very peaceful and they're against violence of any sort. and did you all know that isis is also killing muslims?? they aren't just killing christians — they kill muslims too. they actually kill muslims more than anyone else.

the gunman's father has even stated that he's homophobic and why else would he go to a lgbt+ club?? if he wanted to, he could've gone to a mall or the movies. instead, he chose to go to a club that's for a specific group of people. 

please stop ignoring that. people in the lgbt+ community face harassment, exclusion, and even death because of who they are/who they love. clubs like pulse are safe havens for them. it's a place where they can feel comfortable being themselves and bond with others who are just like them. 

and now, there are probably some members of the lgbt+ community, who don't even feel safe in a place that's meant for them because there might be another homophobe that will come there and murder them.

it's sucks even more because this month is pride month. a month that's meant to celebrate and embrace who you are, is now going to be remembered as the orlando shooting.

i can't do much, but everyone else can. if there are any rallies or marches, join them. defend others and speak out against injustice. keep fighting and don't give up. maybe, one day, we'll be able to achieve our mission.

no one should ever be murdered, especially for their race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identification, or religion.

i pray for all the victims and their loved ones. i pray that our government will get some sense and change our views on guns. i pray that no more mass shootings like this one happens ever again.

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