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ah yes, it's thanksgiving once more.

the holiday in which we thank white colonists for committing mass genocide of native americans and claiming their land as theirs.

i just love celebrating the oppression of native people. i just love hearing about how they welcomed white people with open arms — only to be nearly obliterated by the same people. i just love celebrating the terror that they endured because of white colonists. i just love learning about how white colonists raped native women (that's why most of y'all are 0.8% native). i just love watching disney movies that romanticize it and make it out as something that it was not because they don't want us to know what really happened (it isn't that hard to figure out though). i just love knowing that this land was once their home, until the white people came around and basically chased them out of their home and stole it from natives.

i just love celebrating white supremacy and learning about the origin of white supremacy year after year. i just love drizzling my turkey with white power and stuffing myself with white propaganda and living in a country that continues to ignore native americans and their rights (nodapl).

i wonder how thanksgiving will be like next year because by then, our new and lovely dictator will finally take his throne and will probably drag us to another world war, or try to eliminate people of color in order to fulfill the agenda of white america. 


thank you to all those who are in support of #nodapl and are spending their thanksgiving fighting for native americans rights, justice, and safety. 

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