Chapter 4

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A/N: I've decided that I'm not going to have a specific schedule at the moment. I just keep wanting to post and not post. It's very disorderly, but I know my lovely readers (you) will read it no matter what. Thanks. Have fun reading!
[Ava's p.o.v]

I woke up with a surprisingly messy bed-head. I usually don't have these.
I look up out my window to see the thick fog covering the tree outside. I look over at my alarm clock to see what time it is.

9:37 am

My eyes widen as I wake up instantly. "Oh crap!" I jump out of my bed and get the nicest, comfiest clothes I have. A thick, autumn sweater with orange leaves and some dark boot cut jeans. I throw them on with haste and brush my hair. Luckily, I took a long, steamy shower last night.
I put on a thin layer of makeup to make my face look neutral. I never really wear makeup because it irritates my face and I usually go lap swimming in the afternoon. Except, I am going somewhere important and I haven't found a good swimming pool in a five mile radius.
I finish getting ready and look at the clock.

9:56 am

Jeez, I thought to myself. I hope time doesn't fly by that fast at the coffee shop!
I go to my closet to grab my jacket in case I needed it. Find my purse with forty pounds inside and whip on my Sketchers. I check my watch and it has a perfect ten o'clock on it.
When I walk out my front door, I was kind of surprised to see Dan standing outside his door. "Hey," I softly say.
He looks at me. "Oh hey!" I keep forgetting he is a bit taller than me, so I have to look up at him. Everything he was wearing was black. I'm guessing he likes that color. "Are you ready to go?" He asks me.
"Lead the way." I tell him as I gesture towards the stairs.

[Dan's p.o.v]

As me and Ava were walking down the street, she asked me what coffee shop we were going to. I told her with a scoff, "it's a surprise." I looked at her, "and it might not be new to you at all."
She looked at me with odd face. "Alright." She looked ahead to see if she could see anything. "As long as it's good, then I'm all for it!" She said with a smile.
We got to the front of the coffee shop when Ava screams, "Starbucks!" She came over to me and tightly hugged me. "I haven't had it in so long!"
I give her a gentle smile. "Yeah," I say to her. "I haven't been here in a while either." I look over towards her and our eyes lock. Her hazel eyes sparkle with excitement. How come, I thought, Phil never told me about her. She is perfect.
I had a feeling she was thinking the same about me. I felt like I couldn't break free from her gaze. She and I stared at each other for minutes, while I was thinking about how this day would go.
We broke from our bond when we both hear a woman scream, "oh my gosh!" We both turn to look behind us. "It's danisnotonfire!" The lady says with great joy. She pulled out her phone and asks for a picture. I turn and look back at Ava. She has a very puzzled look on her face. I take the picture with the fan and hug her goodbye.
"What was that all about?" Ava questioned.
"Come on," I nodded towards the door. "I'll explain it inside."
We walk inside and get our drinks from the cashier. Ava ordered a White Chocolate Mocha while I get a hot chocolate. We sit down at a small, round table with two wooden chairs.
I explain to her that me and Phil are famous YouTubers and that we own a radio show together. "We go live on Sunday nights," I tell her. "If you would like to come watch us sometime..."
She cuts me of excitedly saying, "yes! That would be amazing!"
"Great." I think of what I'm going to say next. "This is probably a personal question," I pause. "But why did you come to London?"
"It's not very personal," she said. She explained to me that she was from Colorado Springs and that when she came here for uni a few years back, she met Phil. She said that Phil and her were boyfriend and girlfriend for a few weeks, but it wasn't going anywhere. So they broke up. After she finished uni, she was really homesick and went back to America to hangout with her family. Then, after about a year or so, her friend Mallory had come back from college for summer break and she was so happy that she was back.
After like three or four years, Ava realized that London wasn't all that bad, so she came back. Mallory was kinda mad about her leaving, but eventually she went back to college and made a deal with Ava for her to call her every so often.
I find it very coincidental that she just so happened to be Phil's next door neighbor after about five years, but I didn't care. What I really wanted to tell her was, "I love you" or "I feel like this was true love at first sight," but after hearing about her and Phil, I didn't know if that was the same for her.
A/N: I hope you liked this chapter! From this point on they are going to be as long as this one. Very, very detailed. So you'll need to pay attention and have a vivid imagination. Just a heads up.
And I will see you all sometime this week. Maybe next.
👋 Bye!

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