Chapter 14

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[Ava's p.o.v]

*one month later*

"Hey Mallory, are you ready yet or what?" I yell across the halls in my flat.
She rushes down the steps while putting her earrings in. I'm glad she finally got them pierced. Her dad was always so strict about these kinds of things. So she couldn't pierce her ears until she was at least eighteen.
"I'm coming! I'm coming," she yells. "Don't put your panties in such a knot!"
I chuckled as we walked out the door with my turquoise Keds on and my teal jumper. It's always been my favorite outfit.
On this very day, we are going out to the nearest store like IKEA. Since Mallory couldn't fit her bedsheets and all of the fun stuff in her bag, we decided to compromise and go shop for stuff instead. We have been procrastinaning since we got back from America.
Also, I finally got permission to drive my Impala on the streets of the U.K. The first chance I got, I put it in a boat and picked it up from the boat station. I've gotten pulled over a few times for driving on the wrong side of the street. It just reminds me so much of America when I drive it, that I get confused once and a while.
As I pull into a parking space at IKEA, I get a phone call from Dan. I pick it up once I have parked. "Hey."
"Hey honey." He started calling me honey or sweetie a couple weeks ago. Ever time I hear it, my heart skips a beat. He continued, "Where are you?"
"Mallory and I are heading into IKEA right now. Why?"
I could hear his door close over the phone. "I've been knocking on your door for a little while." Dang it. I forgot to tell him that we were going somewhere today.
"I'm sorry," I say as I start looking around the store. "I forgot to tell you."
"No, your fine. Are you there because Mallory still doesn't have her own things?" I could tell he was teasing me about my procrastination.
"Hey. Remember that time when you didn't upload a video for two weeks because you kept saying you had better things to do?" There was a long pause as I looked through the the chairs section, sitting down on ever pretty one I came across. I started to speak again, "I'm just learning from the best about procrastinating!" I joked.
Dan chuckled over the phone, "you shush! I had good reasons."
I started laughing. "Sure you did." I got up to go find Mallory. "Okay I have to go sweetie. I love you."
"Come back soon! I love you too," and we both hung up at the same time. We both decided that the "story never ending" goodbye was getting pretty over used. It was longer than it should have been too. So we just went back to the simple "I love you" and "I love you too".
Staying on the subject of loving, Mallory and Phil are in a relationship with each other now! They are also going on their first date tonight. Of course they won't be alone because they can get in serious trouble sometimes. We will be having a double date and this will be Me and Dan's fifth date. It always feel like time flies by whenever I'm around the ones I love.
I walk around the store until I find Mallory. She is standing in the bedroom section, folding through all the bedspreads. I walk up behind her slowly and quietly. "Boo!" I yell right behind her.
She jumps, almost head butting me. "Jeez Ava!" She says with her hand on her chest, "you gave me a heart attack!"
I chuckle while I walk over to look at the chairs.
I see the one. The chair I've wanted since I was a little kid. A bungee cord chair.
My face felt a bright red as I sat down in it. "Mal," I said to Mallory. "I'm buying this today."
She shruggs and says, "do what you need to. I don't care." So I pick out the color I wanted it to be in. Black of course. As soon as I put it in the cart I hear a screech behind me.
Two girls are standing behind me with their eyes watering and phones in hand. I could tell they were fans of my YouTube channel. Over the past five months, I have gained over half a million subscribers and counting. All thanks to Dan and Phil.
They ask for a picture and hugs, as usual. All of a sudden they are snickering and giggling at each other. "What's up?" I ask.
"We were just wondering if," they paused. "If you are dating Dan."
I am shocked by this question. I could tell Mallory was looking at me waiting for a response. I say, "no."
They are sad because of that! I think to myself. Quick! Think of something!
I put up my finger in response to the thought. "Just keep watching both of our channels though! Something might happen between us."
Their faces lit up like the face of a child on Christmas morning. They squealed and started to walk away.
I turn around and see Mallory on the phone with someone and she had an angry face on. She started to yell, "his name is Phil, Tom, and he is not a loser."
Tom. The name flew into my ear and made an echo. I rarely ever worked with this dude because he always wanted things his way and nothing more or less than that. That's why I stopped helping him with his animations the past month. He even made Dan have an existential crisis one time when Dan was voicing a character. He was the worst perfectionist you could imagine.
There was a long pause and tense feelings in the air. Eventually, I heard chatting on the other line. Once Tom was done talking, Mallory looked up at me and I knew what she needed.
She needed help getting this man off her back.
I nodded and she gave the phone to me. "Tom. This is Ava." I gave him a little while to think about me again.
"Ava!" He yelled through the phone, "how nice to hear from you again. I hope your having a fantastic life with..."
"Stop right there Tom," I interrupt. "If she is saying she doesn't want to do something, then let her be. She is going on her first date with the man that she loves, and you expect her to come crawling to you to help you with something?"
He pauses and tries to think of what to say. "Listen. I can't finish this animation without her! My computer keeps crashing the software, so I can't open..." He trails off.
I look over at Mallory and cover the microphone. I whisper, "do you want me to end it?"
She nods her head.
I turn back around and start yelling at him and telling him to bug off. That he can find a different assistant that actually enjoys listening to his orders about it being as perfect as possible. I forcefully press the end call button.
I turn and hand the phone to Mallory. "There you go girl. Now you don't have to take any more stupid orders from that loser."
She shakes her head and chuckles, "what did I ever do with out you?"

Oh also! This chapter had a major turning point for the story in it, so yea. PAY ATTENTION!
Another also! (So many things to share!) I am currently debating on wether or not I am going to write a dipperxreader or not. Even if I do, you're going to have to wait until this one is done until you're gonna read it.
Give me ideas too! I could always use them. Comment on the story or DM me a personal one!
Mkay! I hope everyone in Colorado Springs also has a snow day this week then we can have a snow party.

Edit: just saw a few mistakes in this chapter. So I fixed them. They are basically "bad bugs in the system" to me.

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