Chapter 21

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[Dan's p.o.v]

Me and Phil bust open the door and walk out of the girls locker room. Walking through the halls I hear the front door open and close. It locked with a click. We walked faster and faster, trying to catch up to the thief.
We finally got to the doors and saw a dark figure walking a steady pace. He must've not wanted to look too suspicious. Then I saw it.
Ava's swim bag.
I opened the door and Phil followed me out. I called out to the man, "hey!"
He looked back at me and started to sprint for the parking lot. "How does he run so fast?" Phil seemed surprised. That's usually what thieves train for is running.
Me and Phil ran after him. Fortunately, we have been running for the past few weeks. He was fast, but we were faster.
We eventually caught up to him. I grabbed the handle on Ava's backpack and stopped him. He was running so fast that when he stopped he fell to the ground. He had a good grip on the shoulder straps.
"Let go of me!" He yelled and wiggled, trying to get out of my grip. The hood that he had on started to fall down onto his back. I yanked it the rest of the way.
I recognized the man's face. He was at the last vid con.
Tom. The Tomska.
Phil looked just as surprised as I did. We said in unison, "Tom?"
He went wide eyed. He chuckled nervously, "h-h-hey g-guys!" His grip loosened on the straps and I scooped him out of the bag. He landed on the ground with a thud.
"Why-what did you want with Ava's swim bag?" I pointed to it in my hand with a confused and disgusted look on my face. "You don't even swim!" It looked like he smirked a little bit. I shrugged the thought off.
His face then went happy as he tried to come up with an excuse. "Look guys. I was just playing a prank on Ava." He paused trying get up. "You know, for old times sake? I wanted to become friends with her again."
Phil stepped up and told him, "well you scared her! This bag has a precious item in it that is near and dear to her."
He looked at us wide eyed. "Really?" He looked confused. "What was it?"
Why would he want to know?
Phil started saying, "it was her..."
"It's none of your business to know about her personal belongings," I interupted. Phil realized why I did that and played along. I needed to make sure he didn't get to Ava's necklace.
I knew where she kept her necklace and looked in the pocket it was in. I saw a glint of light. Good. It was still there.
"Now I think you should start exiting the premises. If she sees you, well... lets just say it'll get pretty bad."
"Okay! Okay," he said as he started walking away. "By the way," he stopped walking and turned around. "I saw the amount of subscribers she has."
I was confused. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means, she might get invited to Summer in the City and Vidcon." He smiled and chuckled, "hopefully I'll be able to see her and Mallory in person... to tell them how sorry I am."
Yeah. Sure.
He shrugged. "Until then, I'll see you guys around." He waved and walked away.
Phil waved back and I gave him the stink eye. "What? It's rude not to wave back to people." He walked behind me as we headed back inside.
"Yeah I know, but I just have a sketching feeling about him." I just couldn't put my finger on it. It's like he's trying to purposely freak Ava out in some way.
Phil walked next to me while saying, "well yeah! Everybody looks sketchy after something serious happens. Was there anything that stood out that, like made your suspicions skyrocket?"
Many, many things. I thought to myself. I eventually spoke, "well he was very...jumpy and nervous. He also kept pausing."
Phil sighed, "I guess we'll have to keep an eye on him."
I scoffed, "especially if Ava and Mallory are in danger."

Well I know you all want to know what happens to him but that won't come until like... chapter 25... maybe.
I really don't know much about Tomska. I just needed a YouTuber. So plz don't get mad at me if anything is wrong about his personality or anything! The only things I've seen from him are the asdf movies.
The next chapter is going to be pretty long and... Well............... I never want my parents to see it to say the least. I'm guessing you all get what I'm trying to say.
And once again I am alone for Valentine's Day. It will prolly stay that way until I'm like sixteen. My parents have a strict rule on dating. So if anybody has nobody for valentines like me, DM me and I will hang out wif u over messaging.
Anyways, even if you have a valentine, make it a good one for them. Have a great weekend!

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