Chapter 23

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[Dan's p.o.v]

We were walking around town after we had went back to the flats. Apparently, Ava had to go back to change into nicer clothes. I felt like she could've just brought the clothes with her as she knew we were going to meet her.
Walking down a random street, we saw one of our favorite nerd shops, Forbidden Planet, a.k.a. Land of the Nerds. It was filled with anime, books, and games.
"I want to buy all of it!" Mallory yelled, "Ava! Come look at this!"
Ava unwrapped her arm around me and walked over to the anime section. I wouldn't be surprised if they bought another poster.
Phil then walked up to me and we walked around the store together, browsing the gaming and books. I then saw tokaido and it reminded me of when Me and Phil did our Christmas Season Day in the Life video. I pointed to it and said, "Hey. Remember when we got that?"
He walked back over to me, sighing, "yeah those were some good times."
We stared at the lone board game for an eternity. It was silent in the room and, for some weird reason I could feel tension rising. I looked at him. "Phil, what's wrong?"
He looked down at his shoes. "Was it really that noticeable?" I nodded. Well since it's so quiet," he continued. "We should probably go into the bathroom because..." he then shook his head towards where Ava and Mallory were.
"Ok." I got my phone out. "I'll text Ava that we'll be right back."
We then went into the bathroom. It was empty with cracked tile floors and crappy appliances. I also saw some leaky pipes bulging out of the walls.
Phil turned towards me and leaned back against the wall. "I really don't know," he stated. "How I should put it."
I groaned, "just say it."
He bit his lip and took in some air. "It's been a while now Dan. Since you've started dating Ava?" He added a questioning tone.
"Yeah." I tilted my head. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Have you two... you know... done it?"
Sighing, I say, "no Phil. We haven't."
"Well why not?"
Stop asking so many questions about my personal life, is what I wanted to say. Instead I asked, "why do you want to know?"
He shrugged. "I... I really don't know to be honest. Maybe it's because your my friend and sometimes I feel like she is trying to use you."
I chuckled, "no way Phil she would never do that. I know her way to well and that is not something she would do."
"Well then can you answer why then?" Jeez he was really pushing this topic.
"Ugh. Fine." I took a deep breath and told him, "she's a Christian."
He looked confused. "What do that have to do with it?"
"Um... I think it was because she can commit adultry until she's married."
"Oh. Well then why don't you marry her?" He paused and then there was complete silence. "I mean," he continued. "Vid con is coming up and you could do it then, or maybe even on Christmas when she's with her family!"
I went into deep thought about this for a little while. Should we get married? We've only known each other for less that a year now. What would her family think? I don't think I've even met her whole family.
"I'll..." I stuttered. "I'll have to think about it Phil. All of those events are a few months away still anyways." I then looked up at him. "But thank you for asking these things. It-it really got me thinking about where to go from here."
"I mean that's what friends are for right?" He chuckled, "come on the girls are probably almost finished shopping."
We walked out of the restroom after I went.
Phil's conversation brought up an interesting point. Should I propose? Or is she trying to use me?
That last one is nonsense. I tell myself, Ava loves me. She would never, ever use me for anything.

A/N: hey what's dis. (A letter. For me!) Three posts in just 2 days? WHAT?!
So apparently I am only able to write on weekends and holidays (and all throughout May!(imsorrynotsorry for all the references)) and ya you'll will have to wait a while before I post another chapter.
Anyway, have a lovely rest of the week and if I don't write on Saturday it will most likely be during the week.

London Love Tree - D.H & P.LOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz