Uhhhhhhh hi?

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so... how long has it been since we last spoke? like two years?
well I just want to say a few things before I leave this account... probably for the rest of time.
first off, a couple of days ago my friends and I were all like oh hahahah we have fanfictions we worry when we were younger and I remembered this specific one. and even though it was tremendously cringy to read, it was actually really really good and I all of a sudden really want to continue it
my only issues with that idea though is: 1. I am a junior in high school now so that would be INSANELY CRINGY AND ID HAVE ZERO TIME FOR IT and 2. Leo and I have changed in so many ways that I cannot describe but one thing is that we started dating around a year ago and that was around the time were I decided "I'm going to put as much effort as I can into this relationship" so in general I didn't even remember that this story was even existent until just recently + mother of us identify as we used to. we have grown out of it questionable phases and got on with our lives.
I do want to start writing again guys, but right this second is not a very good time... I've got five million things I need to take care of and more so I really am sorry.
I will be going through this story though to edit some things because when I wrote it I never checked before posting so there's like a thousand errors and there's even a part where I give away basically my exact location of where I live so that's gonna go right into the trash
I know probably no one's gonna see this because this account fucking died I can tell you that much.
but I'll see you guys again one day. maybe not soon but I'll still remember y'all.
bye guys👋🏻

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