Chapter Twelve - Bearable Birthday

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Chapter twelve – Bearable Birthday


-Eight days later: August 27, 1987-

It's been just over a week and a half since Michael started staying at my house now, and gradually, he's starting to improve in general. Obviously, he still bears the heavy weight that his family and friends are gone, but he's been somewhat happy these past few days, only crying when he reminisces the old times and memories.

At this moment in time, it's actually night time. We had dinner about two hours ago, so now we're just sitting on the sofa watching TV. It almost seems normal; as if we've known each other forever. I certainly feel as if we have; we've been living together for over a week and a half now – almost two weeks.

It would be a lie to say I'm paying attention to what's happening on the television screen right now; my mind is full of thoughts about life, and everything that's happened. Michael seems pretty engrossed in the programme, though. Well, if it keeps his mind off real life for a short while, I don't mind how engrossed he becomes.

My mind keeps going to the same place it's been going back to for the past week – Clover. It's been over a week since we first met her, but Michael has recently been asking me if we can go back over to father's house so he can see her again. Something is telling me he has feelings for her – which I'm totally fine with – I just don't want him to forget me.

Also coming to mind, is Michael's parents. The police have not been in contact since they told Michael his parents were murdered, so I'm wondering when there'll be any developments on the whole issue.

Of course, I don't believe for a single second that Michael killed his family, but I'm surprised the police haven't marked him as a suspect at least. Maybe it's because they saw how devastated he was by their deaths, so they just didn't want to even broach the subject of it possibly being him.

My thoughts are shattered when a sudden laugh – from Michael – fills the room. It takes me back by surprise, so I lift my arm and place my hand on my chest, exhaling deeply. After his laughter subsides, he looks at me, chuckling softly because he made me jump.

"Sorry," he apologises, "I didn't mean to make you jump there."

He points at the TV screen, and I notice he has one of those programmes with funny home videos on. You know, the kind where people fall, or have some kind of accident, and they show it on TV for others' entertainment. He seems to have been watching a lot of those lately; perhaps to cheer him up.

"You seem to like those programmes, don't you?" I question, almost rhetorically.

He lets out a small laugh, "Yeah ... the mom tricked the kid into cutting her birthday cake open, and it exploded in her face. Poor girl!" he explains, amused.

"Right, right," I smile. Then, a thought comes to my head, so I furrow my eyebrows and speak out, "When is your birthday, Michael?"

He clears his throat, tilting his head down, and his curls droop down over his face a little, "Well ... August 29."

My eyes widen in surprise, "But Michael, that's only a couple days from now! Why didn't you tell me?" A frown forms on my face, "Why?"

He shakes his head, trying to seem casual; as if he doesn't care about his birthday, "It'll be the first birthday I have without my family."

"Oh ... " I trail off a little, "But me and you could do something to signify it, if you like?"

He shrugs, "I can't think of anything we could possibly do to celebrate it, to be honest. We're in the middle of nowhere, here." He shifts his gaze to the TV, and tries to get back into the programme, "Look ... that dude just fell off a motorcycle. Heh."

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