Chapter Thirty-Two - The Country She's In

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Chapter thirty-two – The Country She's In


-Six days later-

It's been almost a week since Michael, Reiss and I all scattered the ashes of their family, and recently, Michael hasn't been himself at all. It's only since last night that he's been this way, but I don't like it. He's not been as affectionate, for a start – he hasn't cuddled with me, kissed me very often or seemed to want to spend time with me. I'm worried, to say the least.

I've tried speaking to him, but he has only tried to change the subject as soon as possible. He's distancing himself from me, just to avoid having a conversation regarding his feelings. I'm really confused.

At this moment in time, Michael's in the garden, whilst I'm in the living room. I can see him sat at the bottom of the tree trunk, because the living room window is quite large, and I can see clearly out of it. Maybe he'll be happier soon; there's always that phase of a day or two, when you just feel so low that you don't want to do anything. I've been through that, myself.

The telephone then rings, causing me to jump a little. Getting up out of my seat, I head into the hallway, where the phone is, before answering it.

"Hello?" I greet.

"Hello." The voice on the other side of the line sounds somewhat stern.

"Who is this?" I question politely, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"My name is Marco. And yourself?"

My eyes widen in shock, as I swallow nervously. Is this Marco as in ... Clover-got-beaten-by-Uncle-Marco Marco?

"Uhm ... Citria. How did you get my numb—?"

"It wasn't that hard," he answers, interrupting my speech.

"Sorry to sound rude, but that doesn't really answer my ques—"

"Listen, Citria. You're Clover's cousin, aren't you?" His tone isn't inviting at all; in fact, it's rather the opposite.

"Um ... yes," I breathe, feeling slightly nervous. My hand is gripping tightly to the phone by now; the fingers of my other hand are pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I thought so. Now, I want you to tell me where she is. Would you do that for me?"

"Where she is?" I repeat, to buy myself some more time. Before continuing, I swallow once again. "But why?"

"Because I would like to see her. She's my niece, after all." His voice seems to soften a little, as if he's actually making an effort to be polite.

"You're her Uncle Marco?" I inquire, trying my hardest to sound casual.

"That I am. Anyway, do you know where she happens to be right now?" The way he changes the subject to the one he desires is rather impressive.

"Well, she's in America ... I know that much," I partly lie, twirling the curled phone wire around my fingers now. "A-And that's all I know."

"America!" he gasps, so loudly that I have to pull the phone away from my ear in reaction. "How the hell did she get all the way over to America?"

"I really don't know Sir," I respond anxiously, panic slightly rising within me. "Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the guy who ... um ... had the drinking problem? The one who, uh ... hurt Clover?"

"Where'd you get that from?" His tone is more angered than before, now, which scares me a little.

"I-I—nothing, nobody. I just heard it from somewhere. I-I don't remember where exactly."

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