Chapter forty-four - Those Were The Days

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Chapter forty-four – Those Were The Days


-November 21, 1987-

After the romantic evening with Michael last week, things have actually seemed to improve a little. Overall we've worried less about Marco; we've realised that whether we worry or not, he'll either return or he won't. We can't stop anything from happening just by worrying.

We've still heard nothing from the police, of course. Perhaps they've been talking to Reiss rather than Michael or myself – but then, they would tell us, as well. They've told us everything so far, in all fairness.

Reiss mentioned something about himself and Clover going grocery shopping today – meaning father will be alone. I'm thinking of going to pay him a visit later on, so that he doesn't feel so lonely. It's been a few days since I saw him, anyway.

Michael has gone out grocery shopping too; perhaps he'll find Reiss and Clover along the way. He offered to go for us because I spoke about going to see father. I would have suggested for Michael to come with me, but we're almost out of food in the house – and we kind of need to eat, after all.

With nothing to do, I decide to call father, to give him a warning that I'm coming over. Heading into the hallway, I take the phone from its hook, before dialling dad's number. It rings a few times, before I hear him pick up the phone.

"Hello?" his adorable voice greets uncertainly.

"Daddy, it's Citria," I inform him, so he doesn't panic about it being a stranger.

"Oh, hello darling," he answers; and just by the tone of his voice, I know he's smiling. "How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good too. What's the reason for calling?" His question isn't intimidating, but the choice of wording makes it seem like it is.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm coming over later to see you," I grin, sitting down on the first step of the staircase. "Would you like that, daddy?"

"Of course I would honey," he assures me. "What time?"

"I don't know ... perhaps about 2:00pm? It depends on when Michael gets back from grocery shopping. I don't want to lock him out of the house by going out." A chuckle accompanies my words.

"Reiss and Clover went grocery shopping too," he reminds me. "Maybe they'll see each other."

"Maybe," I breathe, leaning my head back against the wall by the stairs. It takes a couple moments for me to think of a new conversation topic, but eventually I do. "So, have you been doing much lately? Well, as much as you can do."

"Not really, to be honest, Citria. My mind is mostly stuck on Marco."

"He's in England right now, dad. You're safe for now. And if he ever did come, I'd make sure you're safe. That's a promise from me, to you. I won't let him hurt you. I can promise that."

"I don't trust him," he says nervously. "He's not a nice man."

"I know he isn't. That's why I'm going to keep you safe. We're all going to keep each other safe."

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