Chapter forty-two - He Flew Back

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Boyyyy it's been over four months! I already had this chapter written months ago, but due to my recent personal life, I've had no time to even edit, let alone write! I've missed you all! :)

Chapter forty-two – He Flew Back


-November 6, 1987-

It's been a little over a week since Michael and I went on our picnic, and things have settled down a little, now. Of course, everyone has been worrying about Marco's return, but not on the same level as before. Michael's finally starting to calm down rather than checking every corner of the countryside for him every thirty seconds. He was so paranoid last week about it all.

Today, we're going to see father again. It seems to be more of a weekly thing now, rather than something that happens every other week; or every month, even. It's because I'm worried about him. He admitted a lot to us when he told us about Marco's past, and I feel as if he's feeling guilty for keeping it quiet until now.

The police have been informed, too; but as far as this aspect of the case is going, their job isn't going so good. It's tough enough investigating the murder of all Michael's family; without trying to track down the one behind it all. Marco keeps moving around, so it's making the police's job a lot harder than it should have to be.

Marco knows he's in trouble, though – otherwise he would have stayed around the countryside. I might ask if anyone has heard anything, when we go to father's. Perhaps they know something more than Michael and I do.

The journey to dad's is nice; it isn't silent, but not every moment is filled with chatter from Michael or myself. Like he said, not too long ago – not every second has to contain speech. Just feeling is enough.

When we arrive, we just let ourselves in; Clover and Reiss were made aware that we're coming over, so they'll be expecting us. We enter the living room, to find father and Clover sat together eating breakfast. They've normally finished by the time we're here ... Oops.

"Sorry; we must have come early," I apologise, checking my watch. It's displaying the right time; maybe they're just eating a little later than usual.

"No, no; it's fine. We were just finishing up," Clover answers, standing up from her seat by father. She takes her plate into the kitchen, before re-entering the living room. "So ... how've you been lately?"

"Not too bad, all things considered." Without Michael noticing, I edge forward towards Clover, and mutter so he can't hear. "Michael won't stop worrying about Marco, though. It's getting a little out of control."

"I can hear what you're saying," Michael intervenes, instantly making me feel guilty for talking about him behind his back – or, attempting to.

Turning around, I frown. "Sorry, Michael. I just don't think it's healthy for you to be worrying about Marco as much as you are. We need to settle down and try to get on with our lives. He can't ruin it ... "

"Well, he is ruining it," Michael retorts – not to me, but the subject in general. "And I wish I could control how much I worry, but I can't. It's a pain."

"I just think we all need to calm down. There's nothing we can do to prevent him from coming; we can plan ahead just in case – but worrying will just make it worse if he really does come back." Although my words make sense, I know that it's way easier said than done; doing this kind of thing successfully.

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