Chapter Sixteen - Alone Time

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Chapter sixteen – Alone Time


In the morning, I wake up before Michael does. The only reason I know this is because, well ... he's sleeping by my side, on my bed. He has his face down, his curls scattered around his head, and he's lying on his front. Also, he has one arm around me, from when he was getting me to sleep last night. That was such a nice gesture, to me.

Seeing him like this is rather adorable. The way he's so out-of-it is just so cute. Before any more thoughts can take over my brain, I check the clock and note the time: 7:27am. I don't want to wake Michael up yet; he must be tired after having to do everything all day yesterday.

Another thing – I don't want to shift positions, because his arm is draped around me from when he fell asleep last night. The last thing I would want to do is disturb him because of my own discomfort. So, for now ... I'll be keeping still.

However, my words might as well be taken back, because Michael stirs a little in his sleep. I hear him groan softly from the initial grogginess of waking up, before he shifts positions, removing his arm from around me. He uses the arm to cover his forehead, then uses his fingers to brush the stray curls from his face.

It's then that he rolls over and sees me lying next to him, "Oh ... morning," he greets me, his voice husky because he's only just woken up, "Are you feeling better today?" he asks quickly.

A small smile forms on my face, "A lot better now, thank you, Michael. How are you feeling today?"

He stretches his arms where he lies, rubbing his eyes, "I'm great thanks. Just ... not so alert yet. What time is it?" he questions.

"Not even a half past seven," I reply, watching him roll onto his back so he can lie properly, "So ... we're seeing the police today about that recording, right?"

"Uhm-hmm," he speaks, closing his eyes momentarily to rest them, "But first ... I need a morning cuddle from my best friend," he hints playfully.

I take the hint immediately, lying in his arms and letting him embrace me, with me returning the favour. He inhales deeply, before letting it go as a sigh, "You know ... your friendship makes me feel so happy, Citria. It really does."

A rush of warmth and joyfulness builds up inside of me, "Thank you Michael. Yours does, too ... never doubt that for a second, okay?"

He snickers softly, "Of course. We're forever and a half, remember?"

I nod my head a little, to indicate my answer, "Yes ... I remember."

Then, he lets go of the hug, and checks the time himself, "Oh, it's past seven-thirty; we better be getting ready to go hear the recording," he starts, getting out of the bed and making a move for his own room so he can get ready.

I'm glad I made Michael stay in my room last night. It just felt ... right. He's my best friend now, and it was completely out of innocence. Nothing dirty or bad at all. Just complete innocence.

Besides, I don't feel for Michael in that way, anyway! He's just my best friend. The best friend with gorgeous eyes, sweet black curls and an adorable little doe face. Plus, it's entirely possible for a male and a female to be best friends ... and that's exactly what we are.

"Meet me downstairs for breakfast. We'll go straight after, okay?" I ask in clarification.

Before he leaves the room, he turns to face me from the door, then nods, a closed-mouth smile playing on his lips, "Sure. I'll be twenty minutes." He slips through the door, closing it behind him, leaving me alone to get ready myself.

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