Forever and a Half - Final Note

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Hey guys. First of all, I wanted to say thank you to everybody who has read FAAH. It is honestly one of my favourite stories that I've written (yes, it may even beat You Give Me Fever!), and I will always have a place for this fictional world I've created, in my heart. I actually didn't even want to publish the last chapter because I didn't want to consider the story completed!

I'm actually so sad that this story is finished. I started writing it when I was 15 years old and now I'm 20. It's been so much fun to write and I will miss creating ideas for the plot and the scenes, etc. As dramatic as it sounds, when you've been writing a story which you love yourself, for many lovely people who have also enjoyed it ... it gives you a sense of loss to be completing it.

Honestly, I am so appreciative of everybody who's taken time to read it, comment, vote and whatever else this crazy site allows you to do! In terms of the future of my writing, I have many drafts for stories that I haven't yet published — although, I have only a few chapters for each. I like to write way in advance of publishing stuff, so I fear that publishing a new story so soon will mean I eventually can't write as fast as you guys want more chapters.

I wasn't sure about sharing anything about future stories, however I'm willing to give the lowdown on maybe a few I have hidden in my works. I guess you can let me know which idea you like most.

(Please note titles and general ideas may be subject to change):

– Dance With Me: This story is set in the HIStory era, around 1997. The main character is a woman who lives by herself in the middle of nowhere and has had some issues with her life and the world in general. Michael has just had his first child and is looking for somewhere to live where the paparazzi won't hound him so much. Michael is famous in this story.

– Seedlings: This story is set in the Dangerous era, around 1992. It is a type of story I've never actually tried writing before: an adoption story. Two girls opposite in their personalities inadvertently charm Michael, a single man who is looking to have his own children. Michael is not famous in this story.

– Confidence: This story is set in the Dangerous era, around 1992. The main character is a woman who has just been rejected by the love of her life, so looks to her best friend Randy for help. Randy's brother, however, has an egocentric mission once this new woman enters his life. Michael is not famous in this story.

– Targeted: This story is set in the HIStory era, around 1997. Michael is a man on the run from a mob of angry men, and he unintentionally acquires a sharp and feisty female sidekick for the ride. Michael is not famous in this story.

– Here In Spirit: This story is set in the This Is It era, around 2009. When a middle-aged wife loses her beloved husband in a car accident, she thinks her life is over — until she realises that she hasn't really truly lost him. Michael is not famous in this story.

I think that's all the hints I'm giving. I'd love it if you'd let me know which sounds the most exciting to you! The summaries don't give away everything that happens so the way you view them may be different to how I've written them. I personally like Confidence and perhaps Dance With Me the best, although having a 2009-Michael story may be unique on here! Let me know what you'd like.

On a final note, once again I just want to thank everyone for any involvement they've had with this story; and anybody who discovers this story in weeks, months and even years to come. I love you all!

— MissJackson777. 💕

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