Shattered and Broken: An Introduction

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This is an old story I wrote but I have rewritten it for wattpad. The introduction below is the orignial one and it's short. Anyway Thank you for reading.


Here I am sitting in this alley behind the park.I was so strung out I don't honestly know how I got here.I just know that I'm bleeding from my neck and my arm.I'm slipping in and out if consciousness but I know this time if I let go I'll die.Slowly I am losing blood and I couldn't stop thinking,everything was flashing before my eyes.My first bike,my first grammy,my first kiss,my first job,my first love.My mom's voice came loud in my head waking me up a little "Chris don't do it! ,Don't give up,you can get through this".That's when It all went black....

Shattered and Broken- C.BrownWhere stories live. Discover now