Chapter 31

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Dom's POV
I was driving to an undetectable place where no one would be able to find me. Soon I pulled up to an abandoned cabin. Now you see, it's not one of those ratchet dusty rusty cabins. It's actually pretty decent on the inside. I mean Bart did make some bad mistakes when Lily was 7/8 but him hanging out with the Magcon boys really made him start thinking, if he could change things with Lily so that they could be close again. Now if you forgot or something. I'm Lily's brother, and Bart's her biological dad. Now you're all probably confused. So let's rewind about 7 years into time.

7 years ago

I was 15 and Lily was 7. I wasn't home a lot because I would always be at one of my favorite teacher's house hanging out with her son. The teacher knew everything I was experiencing she would let me stay, provided for me, and drove me to school. I was basically her 2nd son. Lily... I cared about her.. She was literally my everything... But I don't know what happened. I guess since Bart kept saying she was the cause of our mom's death. I started to despise her. I abandoned her and let her stay with my dad when he was abusive.

Speed Up 3 Years

I'm now 18 and moved out. Bart said Lily ran away. I didn't care. I kept saying it was her fault that our mom died. She's currently 10 years old. Bart said when the time comes for her to come back, it will come. We just have to let the time come to us.

Speed up 3 Years

I'm now 21, I figured out about these guys in a YouTube group called o2l. I started hanging out with them, especially Kian and Jc. When I started hanging out with them, I started to learn more about them, like their other friends. Soon I heard them talking about this vine group called Magcon. I decided to search them up and I discovered it consisted of 9 guys plus their girl dj. Doing further more research, I found out who their boss was,

The one, the only


BART!!! My dad that I abandoned, is the boss of TEENS! He didn't do a good job of raising one so what would make him think being the boss of them would work? Oh yeah money. I started looking at pictures and videos etc then I saw a picture with a girl who didn't seem to be apart of their group. She looked around 13. Something about her eyes, her smile, they looked familiar. That's when all the flash backs of me and her came in. Oh my gosh. The girl that is supposedly Lily. The one who caused our mother's death.

About a year later

I'm currently 22, and I started being in some of o2l's vids. That's when I got an email, from Bart. It wrote:

Dear Dom,
I see it's been 14 years since I last talked to you. Glad I could get in contact with you. But I need you to do me a favor. Lily is staying with the o2l boys because of something Cameron did... I heard she's going to Taco Bell. Well I need you to go with them and threaten Lily. Then soon after that, like a few days after, I need you go to their house and say if Lily could help you get groceries or something. If that doesn't work then do your magic,
This may be weird considering we haven't talked in 14 years, but please do it. For the both of us. Now when we take her away, stuff her in the trunk. Then drive her away to a cabin that I will tell you about in person that's not able to be tracked down. It's not going to be ugly on the inside, I want to give things another chance and make her close to me again. Now Cameron somehow figured out about this so I'm going to make sure he won't be able to do anything about it. Thanks in advance. This will change both of our lives bud.


Now here I am. Driving with a person in a trunk. Doing what's apparently suppose to be good for all of us. Now let's see where this ride will take us.

(AN) I'm back! Thanks for all the support on this book! I will start to update this on a normal schedule again. It was one of my New Years resolutions. Now I wanna keep it short and simple since I've got studying to do for finals lol. I've learned that success takes hard work and if you don't keep doing what it is to reach that success, it will go away! Trust me, I was being insensitive and being like, "oh everyone will be like. 'Ahh I've missed u!! Glad you're back'" but no! They all go away!! That, "success" goes away. Just remember that. Please follow all my social media links:

Spotify: nanaafiia124
Snapchat: nanaafiia_here
Twitter: @nanaafiia and @ridebydallas
Pinterest: Nanaafiia Adjei
Vine: Nana Afua @nanaafiia

Ask for other! And thank you for those who read my book getting it to 5k reads!! I couldn't thank y'all enough. See you guys next week with a new chapter!

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