Chapter 16

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Cameron's POV

What have I gotten myself into? My daughter turned 14 and I wasn't there for her. I saw pics on Instagram of her having fun. I mean yea I'm glad she's having fun but I wish I was with her. I heard that she was throwing a party tomorrow and inviting all YouTubers. So I can go too right??? Well you're probably wondering. What's going on with me and the guys now??? Well we are thinking of àys2win Lily's heart back. Trust me it's like a month long event. It would've been at least a week but one of the o2l guys had to use their imaginations and make up an excuse that made it seem like I fucking don't want my daughter with me. Well to go by the stuff....

(AN) Short chapter I know, I'm so fudging sort I haven't been updating I've been sick and it's not easy for me to update when sick cause I don't have as much energy which causes me not to have a lot of ideas..... Since I'm slightly still sick, I'm going to update when I feel like it. Then when I'm not sick I'll update normally again. Follow me on Instagram
Kik meh @nanaisawesomeholq

Stay smexy llamas

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