Chapter 10

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Lily"s POV

I woke up in a bright white room. Aww man! I acutually wanted to die this time. I saw all the guys except Cameron. Of course I knew he never loved me. "Lily you're ok!" I heard Nash hear. Time to break the news to them. Not in a hospital tho Lol. "Guys can we go home?" I asked? "Sure sweet cheeks.

A while later....

"Ok guys there's something that has been on my mind I wanted to talk about. Cameron needs to be hear for this also. Ok so you guys probably already know I'm depressed but it's just getting worse. It's getting to the point that I'd rather be back in the Orphange. I was in the hospital as you guys knew but when I woke up, I wanted to fall of a cliff and just die right there. I don't deserve this life. I've decided that I just want yall to forget you ever adopted me, let me commit suicide and get on with our lives well you guys can but I don't want to live like this. I know you guys love me but I know in the inside you guys must think I'm an attention whore and yea. This is my goodbye to you. I love you." I don't get why the guys are crying! I told them to let me commit suicide and get on with our daily lives! 


(AN) Hola smexy llmas! New nickname for yall. Well this book is soon coming to an end BUT NOT LIKE THIS! I have my plans the ending is going to be mortifying with bonus chapters and no sequal. But there's probably going to be like 20 more chapters. No promises tho! On the bright side when this book is finished, I'm going to be making an Adopted By O2L!!!! You can thank me later *flips imaginary weave like Ricky Minaj* and also as some of you don't know yet I have a book called Poems. Lol and in the description for poems, it says there's going to be happy poems...... I'm gonna need to change that lol. Well since that book only has like 2 poems, when this book finishes, I may be updating that more often. So yea oh and THANK YOU FOR 60 SOMETHING READS!!!!! Even tho some of those reads are from me.... IM SO ASHAMED! Well that's it! Oh yea there's gonna be 2 updates today and tomorrow like I promised on Thanksgiving. Don't forget to comment and vote, follow me on Instagram   kik meh @nanaisawesomeholq    annnnnd

Stay awesome smexy llmas.

 *EDITING* Adopted by MagconWhere stories live. Discover now