Chapter 4

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Lily's POV

I woke up tied to a chair, duck tape on my mouth and was wearing no clothes. Where am I? At this point I was crying trying to escape the firm string. Then someone walked in that I certainly didn't want to see.
My birth dad.

"I see my daughter has woken up." He said with a smirk on his face. He slowly started unzipping his pants then took off his boxers. He then started getting closer and closer. Too close. Well you know what happened from there.

Cameron's POV

I was just in the kitchen when I heard a yell. I ran into the living room to see dried up blood on the ground. I panicked. All the guys were in the kitchen. But not Lily. Oh no! Oh no! Calm down Cameron maybe mother nature struck her. I search the whole house. No sign of Lily. I yelled for all the guys tears streaming down my face!! This has only been the 1st day with her and she's gone.

Nash's POV

I hear Cameron yell for us. We all went upstairs to see a crying Cameron. What the f*ck is going on??? "Bro what's goin on?" I asked. "Li-Lily. Sh-she's mi-ss-ing." Cameron kept stuttering on every word. But the person I thought most of as my little sister was missing. I was shocked. "Hey how bout we call police ok man?" I said "ok." Cameron spoke. "Ok will be our always" I said "NASH SHUT THE F*** UP THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR THE FAULT IN OUR F***ing STARS REFERENCE!" Cameron screamed.

A while later...

Police had come to investigate the blood. In her blood was someone else's DNA. They used that DNA to track where Lily was kidnapped. We then went to find her.

Cameron's POV

I'm broken.

I can't take care of her.

Should I just.

Send her back?

My thoughts were interrupted when police told us to hop in the car to go rescue Lily.

Lily's POV

He finished.

He assaulted me.

But scary enough,

He did me.

He beat me and then.

I just don't want to be in this world anymore.

(AN) HAHAHAHAHA YOU HAVE TO WAIT TILL TOMORROW FOR THE NEXT UPDATE!!! Dude I nearly cried writing this. I want to write more. But I want y'all to be mad aha!
Well hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote! I also am writing a book named poems. On that I update when I want.
Well other than that, stay awesome little widows!

 *EDITING* Adopted by MagconUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum