What's Happening

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Hey guys. Long time no see! Ah well I was looking back at this story that I wrote years ago. One I still need to update. And it's gotten really successful!! But I don't really like some things in the story. I feel like I rushed some things. I don't really like how graphic I was and the language. But I don't wanna change it drastically because the reason the book is so successful is because you guys like it! So that made me realize the reason I'm probably not updating is because I don't like how I wrote this. So I've decided I'm gonna edit this book. Not like drastically change the plot, but just edit tiny things to really make it more mature if that makes sense??😂 And also so that I like it and will want to write more! I just need ideas and to make it more pleasing for me to look back on.  And some motivation. So yeah. I will try and see if I can update this book when I've edited it. I'm probably going to do the same with the rest of my books. Please be understanding :) Comment anything you want  and have an awesome day!

 *EDITING* Adopted by MagconTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang