Chapter Tweleve

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All of my hair,just gone. I lay in my hospital bed that the doctors made me stay in,to keep an eye on me. I look down at my hospital gown,it's a light blue color with white dots everywhere on it.

There's a mirror on the table next to me,and I contemplate on grabbing it. If I do reach over and grab it,I'm obviously gonna look in it, and I don't know if I want to do that right now.

I sigh,and reach over to the table,gripping the mirror and I close my eyes,breathing slowly. I'm about to look in it when I hear the door open,and someone sits in the chair beside me.

I open my eyes but instead of looking into the mirror,I look over to the chair to see Zacky sitting in it.

"How's my sister doing?" He asks and I shrug.

"All my hair is gone Zacky. My hair was one of the only things besides my eyes that I like about myself and now it's gone." I say coldly trying not to cry.

"You know I always thought you'd look kind of cool with short hair,you know like a pixie haircut." He says and I roll my eyes but smile.

"You still look pretty Steph." He says and takes my hand.

"Me and the guys will be here for you every step of the way,and Emma and the other girls. We're all her for you." He says and I nod.

"The others are gonna come in and visit,so I'm heading out,alright?" He asks and I nod again.

"I love you Zachary." I say before he leaves and he smiles.

"Love you too Steph." He replies and heads out.

Emma walks in,and she lays down next to me on my hospital bed,resting her head on my shoulder.

"You know you look pretty hot with no hair." She says and I playfully smack her.

"I want it all back Emma I want my hair." I say and she looks at me sadly.

"It'll grow back Stephanie it'll be alright." She says hugging me.

We lay next to each other,just talking about nothing until Matt walks in to the room,and my heart races.

"Excuse me Emma but I think your in my spot." He says,and I look to her to see that she's giving him a glare,but she gets up and leaves,giving me one last hug before she does.

I see that he has roses in his hands,and a vase in another,he puts water in the vase from the bathroom sink,and sets the roses in it,and sets it down on the table beside me.

"Thank you Matt." I say with a small smile and he returns it.

"Anything for you sweetheart I mean it. I love you." He says and my heart skips a beat.

He lays down next to me,and I cuddle up against him,wrapping my arm around him and setting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so hideous Matt aren't I?" I ask as he touches my head.

"No Stephanie you don't please don't say that you look so beautiful." He says and I smile,but as quickly as it forms it disappears.

"I just feel that way Matt I can't help it." I say and he nods kisses my cheek.

"Jimmy won't be able to visit you today,but when you come home tomorrow he'll be there. He was sad when he told me he couldn't make it." He says and I nod sadly,I was looking forward to seeing him.

"Well everyone else has to get their turn to see you,so I have to go." He says and pulls me into a kiss,and when he pulls away he puts his face up by my ear.

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