Blake wants me

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EDITED 13/5/17


I was walking to my lecture which was muggle studies when Blake decided to walk towards me. What does he want this time? I internally groaned. I plastered on a fake smile as he stood right infront of me, his hands shoved in his pockets, his hair was messy today, eyes looked tired and his smile seemed strained. What happened him? His lower lip was swollen and on both his eyes they seemed red, under his eye was a light purple bruise.

"Hey Ginny" he gave me a weak smile.

"What happened Blake?" I asked.

"Nothing..." He trailed off. He looked at me with pain in his eyes. I slowly reached up on his face and whispered, "meet me later" I needed to know if he was okay at least. Blake nodded and slowly walked off. Let's hope Harry had nothing to do with this. He had showed that he wanted to rip Blake's face off during lunch yesterday. Ever since Blake and I were assigned partners he was actually nice to talk to, I'd like him more if he wasn't a player. Or openly hitting on and annoying Harry.

Nina didn't seem to be here, which worried me. Where could she be? The teacher Ms Lakers walked in. "Now class let's start" and it began..... All throughout class I thought of what might had happened.

Had Harry hit Blake?

Why would Harry hit Blake?

What did Blake do?

Why didn't Harry tell me?


"What happened?" I asked Blake as we sat down. I had a tissue rubbing his swollen lip. He looked deep into my eyes but I didn't dare meet his graze. His hand slowly brushed mine but I pulled away. I should probably go... I started to get up but only to have Blake clear his throat and rest his hand on my knee. Soft hands. But nothing compared to Harry's.

"Harry punched me" he said. I didn't really show any signs of surprise as I knew something like this would happen. He did ask for it in a way. But I guess Harry had no right to put his hands on Blake, friend or no friend..

"Why?" I asked. I needed to know.

"Ask him" Blake said as he looked into my eyes. His hand rested on my thigh.

"I will, but what's your side of the story?" I asked.

"He punched me and I fell to the ground, he had busted my lower lip and bruised my lower left eye" Blake informed me. Blake removed his hand and brought it up to my face which made me look into his eyes. I didn't really ask what damage he caused but Blake didn't dare move. He simply looked at me as if I was the last piece of a pizza. His gaze fell to my lips and I knew it was my queue to go. I turned the other direction while putting the tissue into the bin. Getting my wand out I gripped it.

"What do you want from me" I asked blankly.

"I want you" he said simply.

That's a shame I'm with Harry. If I was honest I was falling for Harry a bit. But I have to win this... Blake is a nice guy, he has the looks, he is very popular with the ladies and is quite rich. But I couldn't care about money I never really did. But he is NOT my type. Pity Harry is eh?

"You can't and you never can" I said. Walking towards the door I pointed my wand towards the old frame door. It's hinges were shiny but you would know it was old. "Alohamora" the door clicked open and I turned back to Blake who had his gaze on me.

"You don't belong with Harry" he started. "He will never love you, like I will love you" said Blake. With ever word he said my mouth hung opened and a gasp escaped. My heart slowly started to beat fast and my breath quicken. Blake got up and started to walk towards me. "Please Ginny" Blake pleaded. I don't like Blake I can't. For starters Harry was my first crush.. He was my first kiss and now he will be my first time... I don't know my feeling towards I think I am falling a bit not sure. My feelings for Harry is liking as a friend for Harry they've changed dramatically. I don't hate him, but I don't love him. I would be in the middle. To say that I am kind of falling for Harry's looks and personality. He is a charmer at times, a pig another but most of all he's Harry. He can be a gentleman when we go out to eat but he can also be the worst tease and eats my food. But what is Love?

"He doesn't deserve you, he punched me because I told him I loved you" Blake said. "I want you Ginny, give me a chance and I'll do anything for you" he said simply. He caressed my cheek before leaning down slowly.

"I'm sorry but I have no feelings for you, if any but friendly" I said backing away. Abort Abort.. With one last look I turned on my heels to find my boyfriend.

There I saw Harry talking to Ryan. Harry's back was facing me and Ryan caught my eye. I approach them and put my hand on Harry's shoulder which made him jump a bit but relax as he turned around. "I'll leave you two" and Ryan was gone.

"We need to talk" was all I said to Harry. Harry nodded and he gestured towards our dorm. Walking towards the long halls which had door after door, we finally reached 715. Harry used his wand and opened it. Following him inside I sat down on the couch. Harry soon followed when he took off his jacket and hung it up.

"What happened Blake" was my first question. I heard Harry sigh and shove his hands into his pockets. "He asked me if you were good in bed. He then said that he'd make you feel so good, which I was.." Harry shakes his head, and I gestured him to continue.

"But then he said that he'd have you on your back where he.. But I didn't let him finish I had punched him that time" Harry said. He didn't try to catch my gaze but he walked towards the kitchen. I slowly took in his information. That's not what Blake told me. Whose telling the truth? Harry or Blake? Come on Ginny!

"Ginny please believe me, he just wants you, and we're in the deal.." Harry said while turning to face me. He leaned on the door frame watching my face expressions.
"So what if we weren't in the deal? What would happen then Harry?" I demanded my arms crossed.  I wanted to believe Harry I did.

But what if Harry is lying? Maybe he just wanted to hurt Blake!

Harry didn't answer. For the rest of the night I didn't talk much. I ate little bit and I went to talk to the girls about it. Ryan told me his side and it seemed that Harry was telling the truth. I felt kind of guilty for not believing Harry.

I talked to Harry much later and he seemed to not really talk either. But after a while he spoke.

"I'm sorry Ginny" Harry turned to me that night. "I know Harry it's okay but you can't just hit people like that regardless of what they say" I turned to face him. Harry nodded and reached for my hand. "Your mine" he whispered and crashed his lips onto mine......

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