Chapter 4

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Rick just gave another blood transfusion to Carl he looks weak already. He's pale, shaky and is sweating bullets. I sit next to him just watching the whole scene, Maggie Hershel's daughter is out getting Lori.

"He's gunna be just fine Rick" I smile rubbing his back gently.

"This is my fault..." He sniffs wiping away fallen tears.

"You look at me" I say crouching in front of him. "Carl is strong just like his daddy, he's gonna make it and be just fine. This is not your fault Rick" I assure him.

"My baby!" Lori cries running into the room and next to Carl.

"Lori I-" Rick starts.

"No! You were supposed to be watching him! This is your fault!" Lori yells.

"Hey! You never watch him. You always pawn him off on someone else" I yell sticking up for Rick.

"Stay out of this redneck this is a family matter" Lori snaps.

I step back. I really don't think this is the time to slap her. Hell maybe I should..

"Now leave!" Lori demands.

"No she can stay" Rick smiles at me.

Lori just shakes her head and goes to sit on the edge of Carl's bed. I sit back down next to Rick and rub his back comforting him as best I can.

"Thanks for being here for me" Rick whispers to me.

"That's what friends are for" I reply smiling.

Lori is glaring at me making me laugh at the fact I can make her mad so easy, it's pretty entertaining. Hey she has Shane now I don't exactly know why she's glaring.

"If they don't get back soon we'll have to do it without the supplies" Hershel says checking Carl's blood pressure.

"I can give more blood" Rick offers sticking out his arm.

"No I can. I'm O a universal donor" I say sticking out my arm.

Patricia nods and stick the needle in to my vein my blood goes straight in. Patricia gets what she needs and gives me a peanut butter and jelly.

"You eat all that now" Rick playfully scolds me.

"I will as long as you do" I smirk referring to his uneaten sandwich on the bedside table.

He nods and we both began to devour our sandwiches. I for one haven't eaten in a day or two, I always give my food to Carl or Sophia kids come first they're our future. Every now and again I sneak glances at Rick catching him staring at me he smiles and of course I laugh.

I feel a little lightheaded and tired but besides that I'm fine. I just sit next to Rick comforting him the best I can in this situation I've never been that good at comforting, but atleast I'm trying. Carl is getting weaker and weaker as time passes by. I just hope that Shane and Otis will make it in time, if we lose Carl we lose the groups sanity. Rick would go crazy, Lori will be hell on earth, plus that boy has everyone's heart even my brothers.

"They're here!" I exclaim pointing out the window.

Hershel, rick and I all run outside to see a very pale, and injured. He is also alone...where's Otis?

"Otis?" Hershel asks.

"No" Shane replies simply limping up to the porch.

We all follow Hershel back into the room where Carl still lays. Patricia cleans off what is going to be used as a operating table I guess. Hershel is barking orders at both Patricia, maggie and his youngest Beth. They all quickly oblige and do what he says and quick. Hershel shoos us out of the room Lori runs into Shane's chest crying loudly I actually feel really bad for her. Rick just looks around like he's trying not to cry in front of us. I clear my throat getting his attention.

"Wanna take a walk sheriff?" I smile he nods.

We walk past Shane holding onto Lori whispering words into her ear and kissing her head.

Rick and I walk the perimeter of the farm I can see that he's very stressed but I know a nice walk may just calm him a bit.

"What...was your life like before?" Rick asks clearly trying to take his mind off of the tough situation back at the farm.

What do I say? I have never told anyone about my past. My daddy was a drunk bastard who loved to torture his kids. Merle said he'd come back for us but he never did, when it comes to Daryl though he didn't leave me when he turned eighteen he stayed with me he delt with daddy to insure my safety. He was like my guardian angel.

"It was...shit" I admit picking at a flower.

"Do ya wanna talk about it?" He asks looking at me.

"Let's just wasn't great. Daryl and I had it rough growin up..." I reply.

"What about Merle?" He asks walking closer to me.

"Merle was years older than us. He was either hooking up with women, doin drugs or was in jail.." I shrug. Why is he so easy to talk to?

"That's why you and Daryl are so protective of each other" he grins.

"Yeah...he's all I ever had" I smirk nudging him.

"Well have me" he smiles.

"Goin soft 'eh sheriff?" I tease.

"Ya know what I mean..." He coughs.

We laugh, joke around and talk about our previous lives. He is really easy to talk to it's like this world isn't hell and that we are just two normal people in a normal world. We return to the house making the mood turn back to serious and worrying. Lori is already in the room with a sleeping Carl Hershel said the surgery went well. He made it very clear he wants us gone as soon as Carl is better. Lori won't allow me in the room so I am watching as my brother pulls up on Merles bike.

"Hey" I smile walking up to him.

"Hey, how's Carl?" He asks squinting his eyes.

"Jus got done with surgery he's strong" I reply.

"Ima go look around for Sophia. Ya gonna come with?" He ask.

"Course" I say.

"No way, you gave too much blood to be going out that far" Hershel warns walking up to me.

I shake my head and roll my eyes just as I'm about to protest Daryl interrupts.

"He's right lil bit. Ya should rest" he suggest.

"We gotta find 'er" I sigh shielding my eyes from the shining Georgia sun.

"We will. We can plan this now" Rick says coming into the conversation.

Maggie comes up and spreads a map of the land on the hood of Shane's jeep. I stand next to my brother I feel slightly tired but I don't want to complain I'm sure everyone here is just as tired maybe more.

Like Rick said we can plan this search. Which means we can find Sophia now right?

-Authors Note-
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