Chapter Two

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(Levi's POV)

The past hour Eren has been freaking out while Hanji and I started packing; getting ready to go after whatever took Armin. So far, all we could go on is that it flies and is big enough to carry away a small human.

"How can you two be so calm when my friend could be dead?!?!" Eren screamed at us. Even though this wasn't the first time that something like that has happened to us; I was still mad that Eren couldn't realize that we were trying to save his friend.

"Eren, either sit down and shut the fuck up or help us pack. We are getting ready to go get your friend." Eren let out an audible growl but still walked over to where we were working.

"What should I do?" Mikasa followed him over to us and looked like she was ready to help too.

"Mikasa, did you get a good look at the thing that took you friend?" She nodded her head in response so I held out Hanji's notebook to her. "Look through this and tell us if you see anything the resembles the thing you saw." Next I looked over to Eren and thought about what he could do. Nothing came to mind so I told him to help me pack. I didn't need help, but just needed to get him to do something to get him to shut up.

"I think I found it." Mikasa said just when I was packing the last of the supplies we would need.

"Let me see!" Hanji ran over to her. "Huh, that makes so much sense now, but the last time someone saw one of those was during the twelfth century."

"What is it?" I asked her.

"It seems as though we are going after a dragon. To be specific a cockatrice; it's a dragon with a rooster's head and two legs. Which would explain the feather." Hanji stated happily. I don't know why she was happy though; we have never fought a dragon before which made saving Eren's friend all the harder.

"Okay, so how are we going to kill this thing and get Armin back?" Eren walked in front of me and asked Hanji. What the hell is this brat thinking? He isn't going with us. They would just get in the way.

"Eren don't worry about that. We are going to get back your friend." Eren turned while I started talking and glared at me. I returned the glare; which turned the glaring into a staring contest. There is no way in hell that I am letting him come along with us.

"Levi, come on. He just wants to help save his friend." Hanji pouted. Why does she always have to get on my nerves?

"Hanji, didn't you make a contradicting promise to me before?" A few years ago a job went bad and people got killed, and Hanji promised she would never allow civilians to get involved again. It seems she has forgotten about that promise though.

"Please Levi! It would be harder to convince them not to come with us." Deciding that it would not be worth the trouble; I chose to allow Eren and Mikasa to come, but I made it very clear that they could get killed.

"Well we should wait until morning to start the search. Hanji we need to discuss a few things." She followed me into our tent. "Tell me all you know about those things." I demanded before she even sat down. We need to know how to take care of this thing and have a plan if we are going to be taking those two with us.

"Well a cockatrice can kill you just by looking at you; some stories said that it could kill you by breathing on you also, I don't believe that though but it's just something to be leery about. To fix that we are going to be wearing sunglasses. I think that this is going to be an easy job though; we just need it to look into a mirror. It can kill someone else with its gaze, but it can also kill itself." Hanji finished her rant and I started thinking about all of the things that could go wrong and coming up with plans on how to not let those situations happen.

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