Chapter Eighteen

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(Hanji's POV)

There is no mistaking that what happened before had to have been Eren's doing, but he seemed to have no idea what he did. That means he must be doing things without consciously thinking about it. We've already ruled out all the possibilities that I know of because a simple psychic can't move an entire car and its passengers just by thinking it. If they could then we would be a lot more worried about them, and have to deal with them more often. There has to be another reason for this though; one we haven't encountered before.

"Hanji, have you found anything yet?" Levi asked me without much interest or at least he tried to hide his worry. Most people wouldn't be able to see it, but since I have been around him so long I can tell he is worried about Eren and what will become of him.

"No, though there is no doubt that Eren was the one that moved the car now that I have inspected the car. But what could have that kind of power?"

"A cambion." An unfamiliar voice came from behind me. Both Levi and I had drawn our guns and pointed them at the intruder. "Calm down. I've come here to help you." He said calmly; ignoring the two guns pointed at his head.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Levi didn't back down. We would have noticed if he had entered through the door.

"Well, I just kind of pop up when I feel like it." The being that had taken a seat on my bed looked to be a teenage boy. "Sorry that I have to appear to you like this, but it was the only vessel I could find in such a short time. Now about Eren; he's a cambion, and he needs to be killed before he becomes too powerful."

"Who the hell are you to tell us what to do?" Levi responded getting irritated; thankfully he hadn't pulled the trigger yet. No need to make that much noise if we aren't in danger.

"I'm an angel of the lord, now please put those guns away before you hurt someone. If you don't believe me just get him into a devil's trap and see what happens; if he is one he will have trouble getting out, but if he isn't there shouldn't be any problems. To bad a simple devil's trap isn't strong enough to hold them back though. That's the problem with those things; they are too powerful for their own good."

"He's already gone through a devil's trap without a problem." I added, I had remembered that Eren had followed Levi down to the basement at Erwin's place. If I remember clearly there is a devil's trap set up at the top of the stairs to stop demons from getting to it.

"Well that was before when his powers were still weak, but as I recall you might have had some car trouble before. That would be more than enough to set off the chain reaction. Eren needs to be killed before he can get to his full potential."

"Then why don't you do it?" Levi asked. That was a good question; if they wanted Eren dead so badly why were we the one's who are supposed to do it?

"Because I haven't gotten orders to kill him yet; for some reason a few of the angels don't think of him as a threat. He could bring down heaven with a word if he is allowed to get to stronger. Now, I will leave you to it. Don't dissapoint me." The angel left with that hint of a threat. We sat in silence for a minute before Levi looked to me for answers.

"I have briefly heard of cambions before; from what I heard that devil's trap test could work. But I doubt that Eren would ever cause that much trouble." Eren is too nice to ever think of destroying heaven or even hurting anyone. If it really is so then we just need to keep him that way.

"Well I guess we should give him that test tomorrow, and if he passes we can play off that nut case as just a crazy ass angel or whatever the hell that thing was." I could tell that Levi was nervous about something. "Was that really an angel?" He finally asked.

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