Chapter Three

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(Eren's POV)

"I can't see anything down here with my sunglasses on. Why do we have to wear these again? How are they supposed to protect us?" I started looking to Hanji for answers. Levi was moving around somewhere out of my field of vision.

"Well these aren't really supposed to protect you. If you make eye contact with the cockatrice you will die, but sunglasses are also reflective so if you do have eye contact with the cockatrice then hopefully the cockatrice will also die. That's the hope at least." Hanji said; not making me feel any better about this. I am here to save Armin though, and I plan on doing just that. If it's even possible.

"Hey Eren." Levi called from my left.

"What is it?" I asked as I turned to him. Just as I was responding a bright flash of light illuminated the cave, and blinded me. Levi had found his flashlight. Even though I couldn't see his face I could picture his smirk. "Very funny!" I shouted at Levi.

"Hmm I thought so too." He mocked me. I quickly grabbed my own flashlight and turned it on facing Levi; hoping that he would get a flash of light right in his eyes too. When I turned it on I saw something big move behind Levi down a different tunnel.

"Levi something just pasted behind you." Hanji and I said in unison. I expected him to turn around instantly like a normal person would, but he looked towards Hanji and waited for her nod to turn around. Once he turned around and was sure that there was nothing to worry about we started heading down the tunnels; in the direction the figure went.

"Mikasa, Eren if you see something moving tell us, and don't look at it directly." Hanji instructed us. We walked a little farther until we reached a large opening that lead into a small chamber that had another opening to the surface in the middle. Levi was in the lead and looked around making sure it was safe to enter the wide space.

"All clear, but you two." He pointed to me and Mikasa. "You might not like what you're going to see." He then entered the room. Mikasa and I shared a nervous look before we followed. What could he have been talking about? The first thing I did when I got into the open space was look around the area. My gaze stopped when I found something along the wall. It looked like a statue of a small person; in fact it looked a lot like Armin. I got closer and found the statue to be almost a complete copy of my friend.

"I'm so sorry. We were too late." Hanji said softly.

"W-what happened?" Mikasa asked while approaching our friend.

"That's what happens when you make eye contact with the cockatrice. I wouldn't be too surprised if we saw more people like your friend in these tunnels." Levi responded while checking other passageways that lead away from the chamber we are in.

I started walking over to where Armin was. He was completely turned to stone. My vision started getting blurry with the forming of tears. His hand was outstretched in front of him as if he was trying to use it to protect himself from something, and his eyes were wide with fear. If only they had told us about this before. If only he knew not to look at it! Why hadn't they told us this before? I could feel rage building up within me. My friend could have been saved if they only told us that one bit of information.

"Why the hell hadn't you told us before not to look at this thing?" I shouted to the two who seemed to be off doing their own things. Ignoring the fact that my best friend had just died.

"See what I meant by we shouldn't have brought them." Levi said to Hanji. He let out a sigh and looked at me. "First of all we didn't know what we were dealing with when we got here-"

"So you just go into things without knowing what you are dealing with?"

"You can thank Hanji for that, and secondly, it was probably best for your friend to have died that way. Even if he didn't make eye contact with that thing he probably would have became its dinner." Levi said as though Armin's death didn't matter.

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