Chapter Twenty-Four

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I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update. I have been trying to improve this story and thinking carefully about how I am going to write this to make it better. 

(Hanji's POV)

After Eren had hung up on me I had continued to call him again and again. He wasn't answering. Eren you idiot, what have you done?

"Erwin we have to go. I think Eren did something really stupid." I informed Erwin as I went to his car. Even if he didn't want to come along I was going to go, and I needed him to realize that quickly so we didn't waste time arguing about it.

"What happened?" He asked, and got in the passenger seat. Not getting upset that I am going to be driving. I couldn't help but laugh. Levi would skin me alive if I ever did that.

"Levi was kidnapped by the angels and I believe Eren has gone after him." I informed Erwin after I gained my composure again. Now really isn't the time to laugh, but I'm a nervous laugher.

"Just when I thought I was going to get a break." He mumbled to himself.

"Oh come on, there's no need to be so rude. Levi's like family to me, so if you are going to be with me you're going to have to put up with Levi as well. And his boyfriend, Eren." I said with a wide smile.

"Eren I can deal with." Erwin looked out the window. "But I didn't know they were dating. Are you messing with me?" It took him a while to notice what was wrong with what I had just said.

"They will be dating soon enough. Just you see." I gave him a wink.

~ ~ ~

(Eren's POV)

I woke up with a slight understanding of what happened. The last thing I remember was Levi getting stabbed, but I know some other things happened. It was blurry after that; something about shaking and loud noises. Something was telling me not to try to think about it too hard, but the only thing that mattered to me at the moment was that I make sure Levi is okay.

"He's waking up." I heard a voice come from somewhere. The room I was in looked very boring, actually, it's a hospital room. Yes, I took Levi to the hospital. Why am I in a hospital bed though? I'm fine.

"Hello sir, please don't get up." A doctor, or at least the woman in the white coat, gently pushed me back down on the bed. "You have a serious concussion. You need to stay in bed, and try your best not the fall asleep again."

"Where's Levi?" I asked. I need to see him.

"Who?" The doctor asked concerned. The possibility of delirium was most likely going through her head.

"The guy I showed up here with." I hoped that could give her an idea of who I am talking about.

"The man who came in with the stab wound." A nurse told the doctor. She finally seemed to know who I was talking about.

"Oh, yes. He's fine, he only needed a few stitches. He was very lucky. Now please worry about yourself more. You have the chance for brain damage, so we would like to take another look at the pooling of blood in your skull in a few minutes. If it hasn't gone down we are going to have to take a small piece of your skull out to relieve the pressure. Do you understand?" The doctor was talking slow as though I might not be able to understand her. I don't feel like I've got any head injury, in fact, I feel perfectly fine. Maybe a little exhausted, but it seems like I've had a long day considering what has happened so far.

"I get it. As long as Levi is okay then I am okay." I mumbled and tried to put my hands over my eyes to cover from the lights that seemed to keep getting brighter. Maybe I could just close my eyes for a minute? I know I'm not supposed to fall asleep, but just because I close my eyes that doesn't mean I'm sleeping.

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