Chapter Twelve

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Present time

(Eren's POV)

"And I called that number. That's what got me into helping hunters, and how I got all of this information." My head was jumbled and I didn't know if my mother was messing with me or not. Did that really happened? I know I had an important necklace when I was young that alway confused me on its purpose, but could that story really be true?

"But you told me dad died in a plane crash!?" I could feel unwanted tears making their way down my cheek.

"As you grew up you forgot about what happened, and I thought it would be for the best that you don't remember what really happened. Also, I still have that necklace. You wanted to get rid of it when you were thirteen, but I kept it. It is a luck charm. Not a really strong one, but I kept it for if you ever wanted it back." I took the necklace from here, and put it on. It was old and obviously worn, but still made me feel safe. I promise to never take it off again.

"Why don't I have any memory of this?" I asked my mother.

"You probably blocked it out. If I could have blocked it out I know I would have." My mother told me. "Maybe you should wait till tomorrow to start reading those. Let's watch some movies together tonight." She was on the verge of crying. Can I really leave her like this? Even with my mind fuzzy on what I truly plan to do I decided I was going to read those books full of hunter's stories.

By the end of the movies it had to be early morning. Neither my mother nor me wanted to bring up the decision I will be making. If I leave to help Levi and Hanji then I have no chance of living a normal life again, but if I stay here I won't be able to save people like my friends from monsters.

"Eren, if you plan on leaving promise me you will call me weekly." My mother asked me as I was putting away the last movie.

"I promise." I said softly. Whatever choice I make, my life will be changed forever.

(Levi's POV)

We had recently made it to Clearwater to begin our investigation when another drowning occurred. Whatever this thing is; it surely isn't slowing down. The names of the family members were written down on a list. Talking to them is going to be the first step in figuring out exactly what is going on. It could be any number of water spirits and a few different sea dwelling beings. Our first stop was going to be the family of the first victim.

"How did Eren take it?" Hanji asked me as we were waiting outside of the victim's house.

"About as well as you would expect. At least I didn't have to tie him to a chair." Though I would have liked to.

"Did you run into his family?" She asked me.

"Nope, thankfully." Someone was leaving the house. Great now we are going to be too late to talk to the victim's wife. "Come on." I told Hanji and we both exited the vehicle.

"Miss, can we talk to you?" Hanji asked as she quickly made her way to the caramel color haired woman.

"I don't think that's a good idea." She responded, obviously thinking we are crazy, but then she saw how we were dressed and became interested in our purpose here.

"You're Mrs. Johnson, correct?" She nodded. "We are looking into your husband's death. I was now standing right next to Hanji; I hope her eccentric tendencies don't scare away this woman. We both quickly showed her our fake FBI badges to convince her to talk to us.

"It was an accident, there's nothing to look into." She responded as though she just wanted to convince herself.

"We just want to ask you a few questions if you don't mind." I added in. She looked reluctant but nodded her head soon enough.

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