Chapter Six

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(Levi's POV)

I made it back to the hotel and flopped on the bed. Hopefully now I can get some sleep. In the report the doctor said that nothing serious was hit in Eren's chest, and he should completely recover in a few weeks. Now I can sleep in peace.

"Hey Levi, where were you?" Hanji asked. Why can't she be asleep? It's still only three in the morning.

"I just went for a walk." I lied plainly; not wanting to keep the conversation going.

"In the middle of the night?"

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" I gave Hanji a look, which made her stop bothering me, so I was finally able to get some sleep.

(Eren's POV)

"Eren? Hello? Eren? You really need to get back to your room." Someone was calling for me. Instead of letting them find me I was going to try and make it back to my room without anyone finding me. Just to see if I could do that. "Eren, I see you." They said, and I froze in my place. "Ah, there you are." Said the person that rounded the corner to find me. "I was just joking when I said I saw you, but it's good to know it got you to stop."

"So you tricked me?" I asked them; surprised by the cleverness.

"Heh yeah, sorry if that seems mean, but I really needed to find you before I lost my job." We both let out a laugh. The first rush of air out of my lungs caused a sharp pain in my chest. I looked down to see that my shirt had blood on it. "Oh no, let's get you back to your room so I can see what happened."

Once we made it back to the room I could see the features of the nurse that found me. She was a small strawberry blonde woman. I found out her name was Petra because she told me, and it was also on her name tag. After she cleaned up my stitches she left me alone to go to sleep. I didn't want to go to sleep yet. Images of my friends started racing through my head, and all of the events of the past day. How am I supposed to get back to my normal life after what happened?

~ ~ ~

(Levi's POV)

Even after my sleepless night I got up early to pack up and leave; while Hanji checked us out. It was taking her longer than normal so I went to go and find her. The first place I went to check was the lobby of the hotel, but she wasn't there.

"Damn it, where did she wander off to now." I thought outloud. After I checked inside the building, I started looking for her around the outside. Once I got to the back of the hotel; which looked like a dump, I finally found Hanji. She was talking to a tall blond man. The thing that I recognized right away was his giant eyebrows. Erwin. What the hell is he doing here? Now I know why Hanji didn't tell me anything. The last time I saw Erwin we parted on bad terms. 'You can't hold it against him. He made a mistake.' Hanji kept on telling me, but watch me. His mistake almost got me killed, and that is not something I can easily forgive.

"Levi! It's good to see you again." Erwin said as he started walking towards me. I made no move towards or away from him. His arms were outstretched for a hug. He's not stupid enough to actually do that, is he? I looked to Hanji. She had a wide grin spread across her face. I felt muscular arms wrap around me and lift me off of the ground.

"Damn it Erwin! Put me down!" I hissed. It took him too long to comply with my demand and I was about to punch him when he finally dropped me. I landed on my back. Now my clothes are going to be filthy.

"Huh, I was always told cats landed on their feet." Hanji said, before giggling at her idiotic joke. I don't know what made her alway compare me to a cat, but she always did. I got up and brushed the dirt off of my clothes.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I directed toward Erwin. The last I heard he was supposed to be doing a job in Florida.

"I was heading down to Florida, but then I got a call from Ymir. Krista seems to have gone missing. I would like your help, if you aren't busy." He looked to Hanji for the answer. He already knew what my answer was, and the only hope he would have to drag me along was Hanji. I gave her a glare.

"Levi, we need to do this for Krista." She gave me a begging look.

"What exactly happened to Krista?" I asked Erwin.

"She was on a job; by herself," Erwin paused and shook his head in disappointment. Krista always rejected help from others; even when she needed it. "and went missing. That's all I know."

"What was the job?" I asked. Already giving up on not going.

"Why don't I tell you when we get there?" Erwin said before heading to the parking lot.

"You owe me." I told Hanji before we got into the car to follow Erwin. To wherever it is we are going.

~ ~ ~

"Here we are." Erwin said happily. 'Here' was a tiny town in Washington. I think the name is Deep River, or something like that. "And about the job Krista was doing. It's just your ordinary haunted house kind of case, or at least it was supposed to be. Obviously something out of the ordinary happened though."

"What's this haunted house?" I asked, planning to get this conversation wrapped up.

"An old abandoned house on the outskirts of town. Of course teenagers love going into the supposed haunted house for a good scare, but a lot of them never end up leaving the house, alive at least. The reports of the few people that did make it out point to a girl with short red hair."

"What about information on Kritsa? We are here to save her ass." I asked Erwin.

"Last time Ymir got a call from her she knew everything she needed to and was going to take care of it that night, but she hasn't called after that, nor has she made it back." Erwin said before entering the hotel we were standing outside of. It was the one that Krista had been staying in. When we entered the building the person standing behind the desk seemed to be caught off guard. It was a light haired woman with strands of white in her hair and faint wrinkles around her eyes.

"Would you be getting a room for the night?" She asked us after putting her book down. The cover over the book said To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, but the book under it didn't match the cover.

"Actually we are here because a friend of ours was staying here; we haven't seen her in a while and are trying to find her. Did anyone under the name Sheila Rodgers stay in a room here?" Hanji ask politely. Krista always used the fake name Sheila Rodgers, so if she stayed here that would be the name she would be under.

"Let me check." The lady behind the desk said and started looking through her records. While she moved away from the book I was able to get a good look at what she was reading. Fifty Shades of Grey, I rolled my eyes and started inspecting the lobby. There was a few pictures around the room; most of them are paintings, but one is an old picture of a couple in front of an old style house.

"Oh of course, Sheila has been staying here for almost a week now. She's just the sweetest thing. In fact she just got back a few hours ago." The woman behind the desk said in a now cheerful tone. Krista is here? Then why wasn't she calling Ymir? I shared a concerned look with Erwin and Hanji. Something really isn't right here. "She's in room 23 if you want to see her."

"Thank you for the help." Hanji told the woman before walking down the hallway towards Krista's room.   

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