Chapter Seven

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(Levi's POV)

We stood outside the door to Krista's room. Erwin stood on one side; Hanji the other, and I stood in front of the door. Waiting for the go ahead. When both nodded to me I knock on the door.

"One second." A sweet voice called from the other side of the door. That's definitely Krista. A short moment later the door opened; revealing a perfectly healthy Krista. Did Erwin lie to us? I shot him a glare. "Hey guys, it's great to see all of you, but what are you doing here?"

"Ymir was worried, you hadn't called for a few days. Which isn't like you." Erwin said, seeming to be confused by what he was seeing. He mustn't have been lying since he looked genuinely confused. Just what exactly is going on?

"I meant to call but I lost my cell." She said innocently.

"Did you finish your job?" I asked her. Something is definitely off; Krista would die before she lost her phone. To her it is her lifeline.

"Yep, in fact I just found the remains, and salted and burned them." She said, motioning for us to enter her hotel room. I was the first to go into the room. It looked as though no one had stayed here for a few days. Everything was a little too clean, even to me it was too clean. Not that I am upset about finally entering a room not filled with stacked pizza boxes and messy beds, but it just wasn't like Krista to be this clean. The bedsheets had no wrinkles, and the chairs in the room haven't been moved away from the small table in the corner of the room. If she had been here for a few hours where had she been sitting. Hanji and Erwin took seats in the chairs while I scanned the room. Nothing was out of place.

"When were you planning on calling Ymir? She's pretty worried about you." Hanji said.

"I mean she did send Erwin, so she's pretty desperate." I added in. Christa let out a soft laugh, and Erwin glared at me.

"Well I'm sorry to have worried you." She says. I looked to Hanji to seen what she thinks of the situation before acting. She blinked one eye at a time. I'm not the only one who finds this strange. Hanji and I have created body language we can use when we can't talk. Blinking like that is used when situations are off. Now we just need to find out what is wrong.

"I'm going to get something to drink, do any of you want anything?" I asked, hoping Krista would say yes.

"I do!" Hanji yelled.

"I wouldn't mind something." Erwin said with a smirk. I'll be sure to add a pinch of wormwood in his drink.

"If it wouldn't be any trouble I would like something too." Krista added. Good, The only reason I offered that was to get Krista to say yes. If she would have said no I would have just left the room for a few minutes and come back with nothing. No way in hell am I being a waiter to those assholes without a good reason.

"Got it." I said as I walked out of the room. On instinct I waited a few moments outside the door. For a short while I heard no noise come from the other side of the door. Then all of a sudden a loud thump came from Krista's room. Immediately I opened the door to find Erwin and Hanji holding down Krista. I guess I missed something big.

"Levi get my notebook and some holy water. Krista is possessed." Hanji instructed. I wasted no time running out of the room and to my car. The first thing I grabbed was our notebook of exorcisms, then I grabbed a few water bottles filled with holy water. How did Krista get possessed? Normally she is the most cautious about those kinds of things. I quickly made my way back to the room. The door was closed and locked. I knocked on the door.

"Hanji, open the door." I told her. When the door opened I didn't look to see who opened it and rushed into the room. Krista was tied to a chair while Hanji drew a devil's trap on the floor.

"I see you made it back in time for the party Levi." Krista turned to me. Her eyes were completely black. "You know I met your friends in hell. They were screaming for you to help them. To bad you are never going to come to their rescue."

"Levi, ignore her." Hanji said, but I could barely hear her. I tossed the extra bottles of holy water on the bed and started opening one and started pouring it on top of her head. The demon started screaming in pain.

"I might not have been able to save my friends, but I can make sending you back to hell as painful as possible." I growled.

"Remember not to hurt Krista though." Erwin reminded me.

"I'm not an idiot." I said before opening the notebook to the first page and started reading. "Regna terrae, cantata deo, psallite cernunnos," The demon possessing Krista started laughing.

"Even if you send me back to hell I will find a way to get out, and the first thing I will do is kill everyone that means something to you. oh wait, they are already dead." The laughing got louder.

"Regna terrae, cantata dea psallite aradia. Caeli deus, deus terrae, humiliter majestati gloriae tuae supplicamus" The demon started fighting the restraints, but Hanji had finished the devil's trap and it wasn't getting out. "Ut ab omni infernalium spirituum potestate, Laqueo, and deceptione nequitia," Even though I wasn't even halfway done with the exorcism the demon was already feeling the effects. "Omnis fallaciae, libera nos, dominates. Exorcizamus you omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio, infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis and congregatio secta diabolica."

"Actually, before I crawl my way out of hell, I'm going to say hello to your friends for you. Tell them what good of a job you are doing with trying to save them. It's your fault they are in hell." My grip on the notebook tightened. It's just saying that to get you to stop reading. Don't stop reading.

"Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, dominates, ut coven tuam secura tibi libertate servire facias, te rogamus, audi nos!"

"You couldn't save them."

"Ut inimicos sanctae circulae humiliare digneris, te rogamus, audi nos! Terribilis deus sanctuario suo, cernunnos ipse truderit virtutem plebi suae, aradia ipse fortitudinem plebi suae."

"Did you even try?"

"I did, but to bad your friends won't do the same for you. Benedictus deus, gloria patri, benedictus dea, matri gloria!" A black smoke shot out of Krista's mouth and disappeared into the ceiling. Hanji rushed to untie Krista. I took a seat on the bed. Thoughts of the horror my friends must be going through rush through my head. Do they hate me now? It was my fault they died. I didn't get there fast enough.

"Erwin, take Krista to your car. We will be out in a few minutes." Hanji told Erwin; while helping up a disoriented Krista to her feet. Once the door was closed behind them Hanji turned and cleaned up the devil's trap on the floor. "You know Isabel and Farlan don't blame you. You did all you could."

"Did they actually tell you that? Or are you just trying to make me feel better?" I said while glaring at the ground.

"I knew them well enough to know they wouldn't blame you. Do you mind helping me clean up? The faster we can get out of here the better."

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