Chapter Sixteen

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(Eren's POV)

Levi likes me, Levi likes me, Levi likes me. The worst part is that I don't think he admits it to himself yet. While I was in his head I learned a lot about him; though I didn't mean to. The most interesting thing was all the thoughts Levi has had of me. If only I could get him to admit it to himself! Wait, why would I want to do that? 'Because you like him also dumbass.' I answered my own question. The drive to my house seemed to take forever; no one was talking and I was wanting to get back into Levi's mind the whole time. 'What is he thinking? Is he thinking about me? I want to know!' basically has been all my thoughts for this whole trip. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself; I mean his thoughts were more towards a friendly like, but I could sense something else. Please be what I think it is!

"Hey Eren, are you okay?" Hanji turned around and looked at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered; other than mentally freaking out I was perfectly fine.

"Are you sure? You look a little pale." When Hanji said that I could notice a reaction from Levi.

"Yeah, maybe I just need to drink some water." Could my mental turmoil be causing that? Should I try my telepathy on her? Probably not; no one would appreciate that, but I was finding it hard not to try out my newly found ability. I mean who wouldn't want to read people's minds if they had the ability?

"Okay." She said and handed me a water bottle. Where the hell was she keeping that?

"Thanks." I whispered; still looking for a place where she could have kept it out of sight. They are some weird people, but I think that's why I like them.

"Oi Eren, are you sure you are okay?" Levi asked; I could see he was looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Yes." I responded; how many times am I going to have to tell them that?

"Then do you get nosebleeds often?" He asked.

"What are yo-" I rubbed under my nose and found that my hand was covered in blood. I was shocked; I haven't had a nosebleed in years.

(Levi's POV)

The damn brat looked like he was about to die in the back seat. Not in my fucking car. I pulled over to the side of the road so we could make sure he didn't die. Though he kept swearing he was fine.

"I'm fine, it's just a little nosebleed. It's not a big problem." He tried to reassure us, but that wasn't going to be happening. He looked paler than a ghost; though not all ghosts we have taken care of were pale, corpse might be a better word.

"Eren, does stuff like this happen often for you?" Hanji asked. We needed to figure out what was going on before we could help him. He shook his head no; he opened his mouth as though to speak, but close it again. He then passed out. I jumped into the back to stop the blood from hitting the inside of the car. Hanji on instinct got in the driver's seat and took off to the closest hospital. At least that's where I hope she is going because the only other place she could be going is. . .

~ ~ ~

"I hope you don't mind-"

"Dammit Hanji, out of all the places you could have taken us and you go here? I know you get along with eyebrows, but I fucking hate his guts." Eren had stopped bleeding a while ago, but was still unconscious.

"His house was the closest and he is probably the only one we can trust with telling him about Eren. Anyone else would shoot first and ask questions later." Hanji was right, but that didn't make things better for me. I'm going to be surrounded by three idiots now.

"Fine, we aren't staying long." I reminded her. We still have to meet with Eren's mother, and that's going to be an interesting talk.

Erwin was rarely ever home so he never really cared the condition of the house. When he was there though you could tell; things would be in somewhat better conditions and there were always some lights on. This time there wasn't any lights, and it looked just as much of a dump as always.

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