The Gang (Chapter 2)

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Hello, everyone! I have come with an update ^-^  Hope you all enjoy! 


Mikasa woke up hazily. She felt extremely warm waking up, though she couldn't remember why. Then she remembered. She looked to her side to see Eren snoring away. She giggled, and caressed his cheek lightly, and left a little tender kiss on his cheek. She looked at her clock. It was 8 in the morning. That was pretty late for her, considering she was a morning person, but then she made an assumption that it'd been because of her headache, which was now not so much as even throbbing.

When she was about to get out of bed, she heard the sheets rustling. She looked over to see Eren moving around in his sleep. But he didn't look as peaceful as he did before. He seemed to be troubled, and he started to whimper. Mikasa began to worry a bit. She shook him, trying to wake him up.

"Eren." She whispered, "Eren!" she repeated over and over.

After a few times of her saying his name, his eyes jerked open, and he sat bolt upright. "Ah! Don't kill me!" he screeched, jumping out of the bed.

"E-Eren?!" she called, "What the hell's wrong with you? It's me, Mikasa!"

He looked at her, "M-Mikasa?" He looked like he was about to cry. "O-Oh, yeah. Mikasa..." he rubbed his head, his cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. "Sorry you had to, uh, see me like that... Just another usual nightmare."

Her eyes rounded with sympathy. "Oh." She replied, "Come here." She held her arms out to him. He quickly ran to her, and he wrapped his arms protectively around her, and she did the same.

Mikasa didn't dare to ask him about his nightmare. She saw his expression; it was of a scared little child. She then got an idea of comfort for him.

"Look," she whispered, "I like you a lot." She admitted, "and I don't want to be just friends. Y-You... you've got a lot more than I expected... And I don't think I can just, like, not taste those lips again." She flirted, "It would be impossible to ignore them after getting a taste." She winked, grinning, and placed a kiss on the tip of his nose.

This emitted a chuckle from Eren. He remained quiet for a little bit longer, until he finally spoke, his smile disappearing. "I don't think I can."

Mikasa's heart dropped. "W-Why not...?" she began to internally panic, but Eren could sense it either way, as best as she tried to hide it. "D-Did I do something?"

"No. This is going to sound cliché," he sighed, "but really, it's not you, it's me. I know that sounds cliché as hell. But it's the truth. If I were to become... your friend with benefits... your life would be put in danger. Gangs would target you. Guys would target you. Your life will be changed."

"I know this is going to sound selfish of me," she popped in, "but why don't you just leave the gang?" her own idea was really starting to sound appealing to her. "You could come live with me. And we could be happy, and we could be friends with benefits without anyone's life being put in danger."

Eren shook his head, "I can't do that, either." He sighed again, "There's a reason. I owe my life to my gang. If it weren't for them, I'd probably be dead already. They took me under their wing after my parents died. If it weren't for them, I probably would've starved to death already, or been killed by other gangs, or left without a home, suffering a slow death on the streets. It's because of them I'm here. But joining them came with a cost. I became an outcast to society. I became feared, and I became too powerful, for my own good, even. Every day I walk out on those streets now, I have a chance to be killed. I'm a menace to society that they're trying to get rid of. That's why I said I'm a mistake. I'm a hated rebel of the world, and I have nothing special about me. That's why I'm so surprised you liked it when I kissed you." He muttered.

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