A/N... sorta. (Sneak Peek to my Newest Fanfic Series?!)

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Hello everyone! SURPRISE! I told you I'd make a new series, and guess who has already starting writing? ME! XD

That's right, I've officially begun writing a high school AU Eremika story, featuring School!Mikasa and Jock!Eren. You're welcome. ;) 

I have a sneak peek of the first chapter, when our Mikasa (WHO WILL BE THE NARRATOR OF THE ENTIRE STORY) (I'll put a reminder in the story itself :D) meets Mr. Jaeger. Basically, to sum it up so you're not confused, Mikasa went to move with her uncle, Mr. Ackerman (Levi) who happens to be a teacher at the town high school where he enrolls her. Her mother always said that education was most important, and Mikasa refuses to fall for any boy until after she's completed her education and made a living for herself. But Mr. Eren comes along....

Yeah, just read.


Soon, the boys' locker room door opened, and out came another wave of guys. The rest of them just seemed pretty normal, physically built and fit and strong, but still, I wasn't impressed much. Sure, they were attractive, but I don't understand what Sasha's obsessing over. Oh, that's right. The "Eren" character. That's whom I really kind of anticipated to see.

Sasha smirked at me. "Time for absolute beauty itself to be seen."


All time seemed to stop as the boy emerged in the back, jogging to meet up with his crowd.


I could hear my heartbeat loudly through my ears as I saw him.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

Out came a shorter, but not too short, young guy... no, man. His medium haircut made the tips of his shaggy brown hair bounce as he ran. His arms were muscular, and towards his hands and along his arms, you could see the magnificent veins making themselves visible.


His chest and torso were visible, too. Sasha had said that Eren barely revealed his chest, and I couldn't understand why. He had a perfect set 8-pack abs with a muscular chest, and broad shoulders.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

His face was so unbelievable. His extremely firm and broad jawline led up to his slightly visible cheekbones and slightly big ears. His hair covered the top part of his ears, but I could see their size. His ears gave him a sense of a child. I couldn't put my finger on why, but it seemed sort of cute in a way. His neck veins were visible, and his chin flat. His nose was on the bigger side, the end rounded.


He turned, faced the crowed. I could only see one thing on him. His eyes. Every word Sasha had spoken about those angelic eyes was true. His ocean-turquoise eyes nearly took my breath away. They were so... godlike and beautiful. For a moment, my eyes made direct contact with mine. He saw me. I saw him. He smiled. His smile. Heavenly.


And in a flash, the eyes tore away from mine, and I was lost in shock and in a gaze. The cheers of the crowd soon gradually began to fade back into my eardrums, but I was still left speechless.

"Mikasa?" Sasha pulled me back to where she was, snapping me back to reality. "So, aren't they hot?" She mused.

"Y-Yeah." Was all I could say. After a moment, I asked, "Sash, w-what was that last boy's name again?"

"Eren. Eren Jaeger." She answered.


Hope you like it!! I'm SO excited to get writing on this! Let me know what you think in the comments! Are you as hyped as I am? Give me some ideas, too! Just like here, I'll implement any ideas that really catch my eye! Thanks for reading! I hope you're excited!! Don't forget to "vote" and comment, show me some love for my new series coming soon! ;) Thanks, loves!

~Admin <3

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