A/N (The Future of This Story, Where I've Been)

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Hey, everyone! 


So I know it's been an insanely long time since I updated this story, or updated you on where I've been. 

So as you know, summer has finally arrived! :) And due to this, I'll be able to write regularly again, I'll be able to search for the inspiration I craved back a few months ago. 

Unfortunately, I came over a case of writer's block, and for a long time, I didn't write. I didn't feel inspired, there was nothing inspiring or pushing me to write. I focused a lot on other things, such as drawing, soccer, band, and I recently enrolled into a police academy in order for me to be a police officer in the years upcoming. 

This year has been insanely busy, and emotionally rough. I fought for my life in a surgery I got in order to save the only kidney I have (Fun fact, I was only born with one!). As well as that, I fought with my emotions/feelings due to the fact that I'd been completely head over heels in love with a girl I know for some time, and all year long I did everything I could to win her heart, and I did. We are happily together and have been for about 2 1/2 months. I recently entered therapy to assist me with the emotional damage an ex-girlfriend of mine brought upon me 2 years ago, which resulted in permanent anger and anxiety issues that I'm working very hard to fix or help. I was finally able to see someone to help, and it is definitely working!

So that's pretty much where I've been!

Now many of you I'm sure are probably extremely excited that I'm back to write, but I do bring unfortunate news. 

This series will most likely be discontinued, or be put on a long break.

I'm so sorry to all of you fans that really enjoyed this (I had quite a few genuine ones!) and I feel terrible, but I've lost the inspiration for it. I read it over, and I saw that my writing wasn't the greatest when I started writing this. I've greatly improved on it, and I WILL be writing, just on a different account.

The account is (as shown above) @Mountain_Phoenix, and I will be posting on it as much as I can! It will consist of more than just Attack on Titan and Eremika. 

I believe my only mistake was making this account an EREMIKA account, rather than an open and multi-fandom/multi-writing account. 

That being said, I do not know if I will be updating or posting on this account any longer, but I WILL be posting on the account above, and I really hope that all of you lovelies follow it in order to keep updated with the stories that I plan to write in the future! 

Alright, I think I'm done! Sorry for the news, but I'm happy to bring you news of a brighter and better future! 

Thank you all so much, and I hope to see you on my other account!


~Admin, Jason <3

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