Back to the Grind (Chapter 7)

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Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for being so patient! 

Summer's been busier than I expected, between 4th of July, family barbecues and parties, waterparks, beaches, pools, I've had my hands full. XD 

But I'm leaving a quick A/N at the end of this, explaining why some of these chapters are coming out/might be later than they should be, as well as some of my life news and what I'm going to be doing in the future!

 So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE read that afterwards! 

Thanks, loves! I love you guys!



The sun hit his face as he woke up, blinding him for a good minute or so. When his eyesight came to, he looked down, and saw none other than Mikasa cuddled up tightly against him, his old scarf wound tight against her neck. He smiled at her, even though she was still asleep. Maybe she could feel his smile in her dreams.

A thought came to him suddenly. The door is unguarded. Now's your chance to go see the gang! The thought made his eyes widen. Maybe he could sneak off...

He looked down again. He saw Mikasa's chest rising and falling against his waist, and he saw her petite little eyebrows moving around in her sleep, and her tight grip protectively and safely around his arm and bicep; he elected not to go. It would make her mad, and probably hurt, too.

Though, he really wanted to get up and move around, which he did. He slowly loosened the girl off his body, and put her soundly on the bed. She didn't wake, but she stirred. He kissed her forehead, and started off for the kitchen. He was really hungry.

Opening the fridge, he saw a fresh carton of milk, and opened the cabinet to see some cereal. Pouring himself the cereal, he sat down at the tiny table. He ate the cereal feverishly, and gulped down every last drop of milk.

"Eren?" The familiar feminine voice came from the doorway, and he saw Mikasa standing there, squinting. "Do you know it's only seven in the morning? You should be sleeping."

"I'm fine, Mika." He insisted.

"What's with the new nickname?" She smiled lightly, eyes opening a little more, adjusting to the light.

"I called you that before." He explained, smiling back. "When I got back from the warehouse I called you 'Mika'. Though, you probably weren't listening at the time."

"Yeah, I wasn't." She admitted, "I was just so worried about you." She blew him a kiss.

He smiled lovingly and turned away. He looked down into his bowl. Empty already.

"You can't make anything else other than cereal, can you?" Mikasa asked with a giggle.

"Damn right."

"Eren, you're a grown man, and all you can manage to conjure up is a simple bowl of cereal? I could do that when I was five. Didn't even need my mom." She sighed, and giggled again.

"Look, for the way I act, does that surprise you?" He responded, raising an eyebrow.

"Not at all."

Eren laughed. He stumbled up and walked, slowly, over to the sink, placing the bowl in the sink and pooling some water into it. He rinsed off his spoon and placed it in the drying rack, along with the bowl after giving it a quick scrub with the sponge.

"Look at that, he's even doing the dishes." Mikasa's voice cut through the silence. "He really is a big boy."

"Not true." He insisted. "Just because I'm running some soap and water in a cereal bowl doesn't mean I'm seventeen. Something tells me I never will be."

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