A/N (Announcements, New Stories & Chapters, Video About Me?, Account Changes!)

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Hey, everyone! Hope your summers are going as nicely as mine is!

So, I've got some announcements, nothing big, just some easy stuff.

So first of all, I just want say thank you so much to all of you! 2.8K Reads on this story blows me away! Like, seriously, you guys are super awesome and I love each and every one of you.

It just warms my heart to see so many supporters on this series. Really, it warms me. In the AOT/SNK fandom, the shipping wars are REAL. Everyone is super competitive about shipping, and everyone is always fighting about which ship is better, which is canon, and it turns into a brawl, and it's been like that for years. I haven't been in the fandom for a long time, (I think just over a year now), and since I've joined I've seen so many shipping battles take place. It makes me sad that we can't all just like our own ships without getting jealous or mad of someone else's ship. It just makes me upset. Another thing is, not a lot of people are all that supportive of the Eremika ship. And, for me, you can ship whatever you want, that's none of my business, but I really love this ship and I really think it's going to be canon (I hope it does, I really do). So I'm going to give you my opinion on a very popular ship, one that's very competitive over Eremika, and one that's been requested of me to review/tell my feelings about. Here it is:


(Or go to my account page and find it there!)

(I'm starting a new "story" where people can request me ships to review/share my feelings on from AOT! The link is above (where I posted my review for Ereri)! Please check it out and request/message me ships!)


Alright, second topic! I have a question for all of you readers!

And that question is: Do you all want to meet me? XD

That's such a creepy question, oh my fuck.

I want to know from you guys if you want me to post a video on YouTube showing my face and addressing some questions that you guys have about me? I'm super shy and stutter a lot on camera (especially if I were posting it for people I just write stories for XD), so if you want to see me suffer just tell me! XD I'm just kidding. I'll be glad to make a video for you all, if enough of you want it!

Please let me know! I will definitely try to get a video posted and a separate chapter (A/N) on this asking for questions, or you could leave me questions in the comments below now! I will answer any and all questions you have!


Thirdly! I'm going to be changing up my account a little bit! I'm going to change my name and even make some 'fics on OTHER ships, not just Eremika! I'm always going to have Eremika as my OTP and most of my fanfics will, in fact, be Eremika ones, but I will also write fanfics on various other ships as well, so that I can appeal to others readers with other interests (in different ships) as well!

Does anyone have any name suggestions? I don't know if I'll use them, but it'd be nice to have some backup ideas if I really can't think of one! XD


Lastly, I'm in the process of writing a one-shot for Eremika, as well as trying to continue writing "A Little Violence" (that's my shortened nickname for it), and I really hope you all enjoy it! It'll be out soon, as well as the new chapter, and I'll leave an A/N on that chapter when it comes out telling you all about the new one-shot I'll have posted!


That's all I really have to say for now! Sorry if the first part dragged on a little bit, I am just so appreciative of all of you, and I love every single person who reads my stuff and leaves a comment! Thank you so much everyone!


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