A/N (Quick Announcement, New Story, Birthday!)

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Hello, everyone! I encourage you to read this!

Wow, I have been very inactive with this story! My apologies! But I want to announce something really quick!

Basically, I'm going to put this story on hold for a month or two. But it is NOT STOPPING! I HAVE NO INTENTIONS OF ENDING THIS OR TO STOP WRITING THIS! I have a perfectly rational reason for this. Here's my reason:

So, my birthday is coming up. September 13th to be exact. And I will be receiving presents and cake and cards and all that good stuff! So instead of making it my special day, I wanted to make it special for all of you, too. I've always hated having a day special to myself when there are so many people out there who make me who I am and make me feel special. SO! I've decided to put this on hold and make a giant, new (probably finished by the time my birthday rolls around) multi-chapter Eremika story! 

I was inspired by a certain fanfiction that I enjoyed very much to make one with a similar background, similar place/age. I really like the style of it, and I really enjoy the setting overall. The trio was 20 years old, and they all lived together in an apartment after high school, Eren and Armin working out of the house and Mikasa working from home. Eren was very depressed, suicidal, even, and Mikasa is having trouble finding a boyfriend. (I'm not going to put a link or mention the author because I don't know the author, and don't know if they would appreciate me talking about their fanfiction). 

But this fanfiction inspired me a lot, and I want to make a fanfiction similar to that. I hope none of you mind! I'm not copyrighting anything from the story! I'm not using the exact ages or setting. I'm going to change the story up A LOT and make it much different than the author's story, I would never steal anyone's story, words, or even phrases. I just love the idea, and I'm putting my own twist on it!

So that's all! I hope you all are excited I know I am! I will go non-stop at this story! I hope that it can be finished by my birthday, but with school coming up very, very soon it'll be a little bit rough getting back on schedule AND doing the story. But I'll do everything I can to try to get it out by then, and if not, then it'll be out soon after that.

I promise you all that this story is nowhere near finishing. But in order to do this brand new story for you all, I won't be able to update this one for a while! So, if you want to say I'm taking a mini-break, that's fine. But it'll be back soon enough! I'll send out a A/N when it comes out!

Thanks for reading this! Love you guys!


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