A/N (Where have you been admin?? IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!)

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Hey everyone! 

Gosh it's been so long since I've been on Wattpad! DX

So, it's been quite a while and I said that I would have that fanfic out by my birthday which, to my sadness, didn't work out. I WISH I had the time that I promised I would, but I genuinely thought that this year wouldn't be that crazy, but my luck, it is. Things have been quite hectic this year, with lots of high school work, marching band, soccer, and all that good stuff. My goal this new school year was to play many instruments, and man have I been sailin' on that goal XD. As of right now, I play piano, guitar, clarinet, bells, marimba, snare drum, bass, chimes, crash symbols, bass drum, and soon to learn saxophone. 

And I'm sure you're all probably thinking: "Admin, no one gives a shit. What's going on with your stories?" And I'll tell you. 

A Little Violence (this story) is still on hiatus. It will be back before you know it, with fresh, brand new chapters and storyline! 

As for the story that I promised you, that will be out soon, too! I'm aiming to have it done by Christmas, as a gift from me to you. Mainly because most of it takes place during the winter, I will include Christmas and Thanksgiving and New Years' in it. So that's that. Can't wait! CX 

So, that's about all I came to say! I didn't want you to get scared that I was leaving, I just wanted to let you all know I'm alive and will be writing and you'll get your story sooner than you know it! The holidays (my absolute favorite time of year!) are just around the corner!

With love,


A Little Violence Never Hurt Nobody (An Eremika Story)Where stories live. Discover now