A new sister

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Maul lead Fury to the opposite side of the village. He was amazed at how she looked, but he laughed to himself when he thought of how he could use her to get close to his enemy while she was on his side.
He cornered her in the large building. "Hello there sister." He spoke up
"I'm guessing you must be Maul." She turned around and faced him. "You've been causing a lot of noise."
"Well I am trying to attract the attention of a certain Jedi." He smirked and walked closer to his sister. "So tell me, what's your name and how did a Nightsister come to looking like a Nightbrother?"
"Fury. Actually I never was raised by the Nightsisters. I had always been with the Nightbrothers and they treated me like one." She explained to him
"Fascinating." Maul said thinking to himself.
"Now you tell me why are you doing all of this? Which Jedi's attention are you trying to catch?" Fury asked interested
"I'll only tell, if you are willing to help." Maul watched her as she sat down
"Hmmm." She studied her new-found brother "Alright. I'll help you. It'll get me out of the boring pace I'm in."
"Good." Maul smiled deviously and started explaining. "Since you were raised by Nightbrothers I take it that you may understand a bit more." He started "I'm trying to catch the attention of a Jedi. His name is Obi-wan Kenobi."
"Oh," Fury also had a smirk on her face. "So which is this? Revenge or a 'special attraction'?"
A vibration rose in Maul's chest. "Let's just say both."
"Both?!" Fury sat further on the edge of her seat. "Now this is interesting! Defiantly count me in. So tell me why both?"
"Good." He repeated "There's no time. All I need for you to do is this:"

Anakin and Ahsoka burst into the building to find Fury on the ground, snarling, with Maul pointing his lightsaber at her.
"Maul!" Skywalker shouted him and Ahsoka lighting their lightsabers. "Let her go!"
"Jedi." Maul growled and used the force gripping Fury's neck and he lifted her off of the ground. Deactivating his lightsaber he snarled at them. "I demanded that Kenobi come alone. Not this, little group."
"Sorry there, he wasn't feeling up to having a tattoo freak out to kill him." Anakin joked
Maul growled more and squeezed tighter on Fury's neck then he planned to. She started clawing at the invisible force around her neck and gasped for air.
"You tell Kenobi to come here alone and I'll give her back, once he's here." Maul growled darkly and he relit his lightsaber and put it up to Fury. "If he isn't here in 2 rotations, she dies." Anakin and Ahsoka looked at each other both unhappy at the situation at hand. While they argued with each other Maul loosen his grip on Fury's neck allowing her to breath better he didn't want to 'kill' her yet. She glared at him and Maul growled catching their attention again.
"Fine. We'll go get Obi-wan." Anakin said agitated more then he was with the idea of coming to the far off planet. To show that he had some plan he deactivated his lightsaber. "But Ahsoka stays here to make sure you don't try to kill Fury while I'm out getting him."
"What?!" Ahsoka said shocked looking her master.
Maul acted like he thought about it for a second, but all he wanted was Obi-wan. His enemy, the one who caught his favoring. "Both of you leave or I kill her." He put his red saber closer to Fury and she acted like the hold on her throat tightened.
"Fine." Anakin said and pointed at Fury "She better be alive when Obi-wan gets here." He marched out of the building with Ahsoka quickly following him and deactivated her lightsaber.
Once they both left the building he placed Fury down. Rubbing her neck she growled quietly.
"That choking part was a bit unneeded." She glared at him
"It gets him here quicker when he thinks a life is at stake." Maul said with his hands behind his back. "He can't deny coming here alone now." He took a deep breath in. "It's been so long since I was able to get him alone."
"Not the willing mate, is he?" Fury asked in a calmer tone
"Well he thinks he has his reasons to stay away." Maul answered "When I first encountered him, his master stood in the way of me getting to him and there was no other way of getting close to him then to kill his master. Although I didn't expect him to get so... angry. He fought me and I had to defend myself against his violent actions. It resulted in him falling into this hole in the middle of the room and I had made sure he grabbed onto a light on the side of the hole. I waited for him to ask me for help, but what happened?" Maul paused for a second and looked at the entrance of the building then growled. "He pulled himself out and sliced me in half and left me to fall down the hole."
Fury was silent for a second and waited for her brother to calm down. She opened her mouth to comment but Maul continued on.
"Not only did he leave me to die, he fell in love." Maul said the last word as if it was corrupted. "He had fallen in love with this dutchess." He started to pace through the room.
"So you got rid of her too." Fury spoke as soon as he was going to and he growled at her, hating to be interrupted. "I see your point brother." She continued. "Although your point in revenge is... Pitiful." Maul growled darker and stomped over to her.
Pitiful?! How dare she! Maul thought stopping right in front of her.
"Yes, he did leave you, but have you ever tried explaining it to him?" Fury suggested
"Explaining?!" Maul walked away from her "I am a Sith Lord! I should not need to explain my actions to him! My actions are as clear as they come!" He growled and paced again "I've tried to tell him, but he never listens to me unless," he opens the door to show dead bodies in the street. "Unless I do this! If I don't he'll do everything in his power to avoid me! Of course I can't even show my face anywhere without him and those other Jedi being there." He growled the word Jedi wanting it out of his mouth. "Every time I go to a planet those Jedi are always there saying I need to be locked up!" He walked back over to her. "Like some animal. The only way he came willingly is if I killed people. But even then he always came with those two. He never even tried to trust me and speak to me on his own!" Anger filled him so much that he punched a window causing it to break apart. "He must pay for leaving me to die, falling in love with someone else, and for never trusting me!" He took a few deep breaths calming down. "And at the few times when I did get him alone, all he wanted to do was fight. All he wanted was for me to be locked up when I was only trying to get his attention..." Maul stood there silently, bunching up his eyebrows trying to organize everything in his head. He cleared his throat and completely restrained himself from any further emotional outrages and he straightened himself. "That is why I need you."
"I see." Fury said with a blank face and calm voice. She was processing and trying to understand how it would feel like to go through all of that just to get to the one you were destined for. "Don't worry brother, with my help, he'll understand in no time."
Maul sighed to himself. It came out as growl when he heard the word 'help.' Every time someone tried something went wrong. He started to come up with multiple back up plans as he spoke again. "It will take him some time to get here. For now, we must be patient."

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