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Obi-wan followed Maul to his ship and once on the ship Maul pressed a button on a wristband he had on. The ex-Jedi guessed that it told Fury that they were on the ship. Obi-wan took a different turn down a hall than Maul did and the Zabrak took notice to it. Obi-wan walked to the mess hall and didn't notice the Sith stealthy following him. He walked across the hall and got some food. Maul watched him from the doorway as the human sat down silently.
Obi-wan took out a holo comm and looked at it for a second. Maul wondered what his Jedi was planning to do. Obi-wan pushed his food aside and turned it on. He waited for a second and a female Mandalorian appeared. Maul growled in his head as he heard the two talk, but he calmed down and listened to them.
"Kenobi, you're alright. Skywalker and his padawan had told me that you left Corusant and refused to talk to the Jedi Council. What happened?" The woman questioned
"Bo, nothing is wrong. I have made a decision and I have to say it wasn't an easy one. I'm no longer a Jedi." Obi-wan told her and Maul quickly recognized the woman. Bo Kan, sister of the dead Duchess Satine and new leader of Death Watch.
"Kenobi are you mad? What in the worlds made you think about leaving the Jedi?" Bo demanded for answers
"I have done something that the council wouldn't agree to and it would be easier if I just left." Obi-wan started
"What did you do that could cause you to think that?" Bo pushed for an answer.
"Well you could say that I'm in a relationship, and the Council doesn't like when Jedi have relationships."
"I'm sure it can't be that bad, Kenobi. I'm sure the council will allow it."
"I highly doubt that Bo. I would be shocked if I was the council. It even shocked Ahsoka and Anakin when I told them I want to stay with him instead of the council."
"Who is it? I'll be the judge of that."
"Bo. You wouldn't like it either. You wouldn't understand." Obi-wan said his voice starting to shake.
"Try me." Bo challenged him
"It's Maul, Bo." Obi-wan confessed
"Maul?! You mean the leader of the Shadow Collective?! Kenobi, he killed Satine! How in the blazes do you have feelings for him when you had feelings for my sister? After he killed her, in front of you!" Bo demanded for an explanation of the shocked state she was put in
"Yes it's that Maul, Bo, you don't understand-"
"There's only one thing I understand right now Kenobi. Maul is the enemy and he must of done something to you for this to happen. Kenobi if you're with Maul than you're the enemy. Choose your company wisely Kenobi, or you might be dragged into something." Bo warned him than stopped the transmission before he could respond.
Obi-wan sat silently looking at where the hologram was. Was there something wrong with him for having feelings for Maul. He and Maul have been hunting each other for over a decade and now they were mates.
The ex Jedi rubbed his head and pulled his food to himself and started eating.
"You shouldn't eat too much Obi-wan." Maul purred as he made his presence known in the doorway making Obi-wan jump surprised.
"You'll have to leave room for the feast." The Zabrak said walking over to his mate as if he heard none of the holo comm call the ex Jedi made.
"Maul! Shouldn't you be in the cockpit making sure we have a safe passage back to Dathomir?" Obi-wan questioned Maul as if he didn't make the call.
"Fury will alert me if anything happens. Besides, I thought it would be nice if we spent more time together before we arrive home." Maul purred into Obi-wan's ear. Obi-wan shivered, 'Home.' he thought Dathomir was now his home. His home was no longer the Jedi Temple. It would take some getting use to, he thought sighing as the Zabrak wrapped its arms around the human from behind.
"If you think you can get me into bed this early from the feast, you better think again Maul." Obi-wan commented as he looked at the Zabrak who rested its head on the humans shoulder.
"Good things come to those who wait Obi-wan." Maul said softly enjoying the embrace as his ex Jedi ate slowly and didn't fight it. Maul's embrace quickly stopped and Obi-wan turned curiously to see the Zabrak straighten his posture. Obi-wan had felt another being nearby and he guessed it put Maul on the alert. Focusing on it Obi-wan realized it was on another ship, but he couldn't exactly tell what it was. All he knew is that it made Maul's attitude change in a snap.
"Maul, is everything alright?" Obi-wan asked curiously as Maul sat down next to him and pushed the food away.
"You shouldn't eat too much right now. We'll be on Dathomir anytime now." Maul avoided the question as his comm link beeped.
"Are you going to answer that?" Obi-wan asked looking at the device.
"No." Maul's voice was as hard as a rock and he pressed a button causing the noise to stop. He cleared his throat and stood up.
"Come now Obi-wan, lets join Fury in the cockpit." Maul's voice lightened and started to the door before looking back at Obi-wan.
The ex-Jedi confused at the sudden shifts in Maul's mood and joins him to walk to the cockpit.

(An: hi readers! Just wanted to pop in and say that in all of my Darth Maul and Obi-wan's fanfics, Maul was cut high thigh. He still lost his legs, but during his battle he was prepared for the unexpected. Basically so I can ignore the whole: how could he survive if he was cut at the thoracic-abdomen? I trust the force, but I would like to avoid the confusing pieces.)

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